Chagrin Falls Veterinary Center & Pet Clinic with Dr. Carol Osborne. Located in Chagrin Falls, Ohio at 530 East Washington Street. Chagrin Falls Veterinary Center & Pet Clinic is operated by Veterinarian & Pet Celebrity Dr. Carol Osborne, the Integrative Pet Wellness Center offers traditional & natural alternative pet health products & therapies for dogs & cats.
It’s a talent to make the most productive sword swallower jealous. Our dogs have an uncanny ability to swallow dangerous objects, such as knives and sticks, and still act as if nothing was wrong.
Chagrin Falls, Ohio-July 16, 2008 Avian flu is in the news, but did you know that dogs also have a new flu virus and it is spreading rapidly.
Dr. Carol, We want to thank you for giving Amber and Oliver the greatest gift of all…the quality of life they deserve. We are amazed at the change in Oliver. He was unable to get around.
Tick Prevention. Most owners, the return of spring is a joyous occasion. The opportunity to spend quality time with your pet outdoors can be an exhilarating experience.
Dr. Carol, I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful products that I have my little dog, Brownie use. A few months ago she was having trouble getting up and going up steps.
Just wanted to pass along we fed our 3 chihuahuas Waggin Train Jerky Tenders and one of the dogs has become seriously ill.
As summertime temperatures soar, heat related deaths of dogs increase as well! Chagrin Falls, Ohio- July 7, 2008- Hot dogs may be a popular summertime treat for baseball fans and backyard cookouts
Campaign against canine cancers expects eradication of disease within 10 to 20 years! Chagrin Falls, Ohio- June 27, 2008- More than half of the dog-owning households in North America
Cutting edge technology can help lessen discomfort, send pets home sooner. Chagrin falls, Ohio- June 26, 2008- Fortunately, most of our pets will only undergo one surgery during their lifetimes
Hi Dr. Carol, Thank you for sending the anti cancer diet for Bandit. Unfortunately, he passed away on June 3rd.
Dr. Carol, Here is a pic of Muggsy!! She has just celebrated her 18th birthday, and she couldn’t be doing better considering her age.
Multivitamins for Your Dog. There are many multivitamin supplements now available that will satisfy the basic daily requirements a pet needs to maintain a good quality of life.
Pet friendly landscapes. This season as you clean up your yard and begin new landscaping projects, veterinarian, Dr. Carol Osborne offers tips for creating pet friendly landscapes.
Snake Bites. Each year hundreds of pets come into contact with venomous animals. As we continue to venture forth into the wilderness, veterinarian, Dr Carol Osborne offers tips
Hi Dr Carol, I adopted a tortie about 6 months ago from the local humane society. She is about 3 yrs old, fixed, and up to date with her shots. She is declawed in the front, and is always indoors.
Most dogs and cats don’t mind letting their owners take a look inside their mouth to look at the teeth. First, look at your pets face. Both sides should match. Look for any abnormal swellings.
Campaign against canine cancers expects eradication of disease within 10 to 20 years! Chagrin Falls, Ohio- june5, 2008- More than half of the dog-owning households in North America will experience the pain
Recently, the need for a higher level of health care for senior pets has been recognized by veterinary medicine.
Natural Herbal Remedies for Fleas & Mosquitoes in Dogs & Cats
I started Meeka on Paaws vitamins for pets about 6 months ago. At that time she was sleeping about 20 hours a day. For a (2) two year old this is not good.
Hi Dr Carol! Sorry I missed your call…. The whole family cannot thank you enough! Luke is more himself and we are all so happy that he is still with us.
Cutting edge technology can help lessen discomfort, send pets home sooner. Fortunately; most of our pets will only undergo one surgery during their lifetimes.
Pet owners join movement to reduce pollution and conserve natural resources From organized recycling drives to hybrid vehicles, people show their concern for our environment in a variety of ways.
The American Veterinary Medical Association recently has posted a Media Alert warning veterinarians that multiple brands of jerky treats manufactured in China have been making dogs sick.
Dear Dr. Carol, Two years ago at 11 years old, Trevor, my miniature apricot poodle, was showing signs of aging. He was no longer able to jump on and off the bed and was reluctant to climb stairs.
Cocker Spaniel. Dear Dr. Carol, My best friend, Brandy, is a fifteen year old cocker spaniel. Several years ago she started to occasionally suffer strong seizures.
Dear Dr. Carol, Dusty, my 13 year old arthritic dog was diagnosed with Cushing’s disease and I had tried treating him with Selegiline with brief success
Flea / Tick Treatments. Hi Everyone: I am passing this on to be on the safe side: This is a new product designed to be a more effective product than other flea / tick treatments
Degenerative Myelopathy. When owners of dogs disabled by arthritis or by incurable nerve diseases such as Degenerative Myelopathy
Chagrin falls, Ohio April 5, 2008- Researchers in Toronto, Canada have found antibiotic-resistant Staph bacteria (MRSA) in pork products bought in retail stores across the country.