Your pet may be your best friend but do you know what your cat needs to stay happy and healthy? The author, veterinarian Carol Osborne, is well aware of the daily problems that might be encountered by cat owners. This handy 4 color, reader friendly, 112 page guide tells you how to keep your feline in tip top condition by treating common problems with herbs, homeopathy and other complimentary therapies, as well as with traditional treatments. Also included are herbal remedies cat owners can try at home, simple solutions for behavioral problems and advice on coping with emergencies.
Pets Our Pets Don`t Need: Zoonotic Diseases, Chapter Eleven
During the course of our efforts on behalf of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine to advocate the research and application of methods that extend human longevity, it is one of our greatest privileges to meet the best and the brightest foreword looking minds in the medical profession. As a natural extension of the field of life-extending, life enhancing health care for humans, anti-aging medicine is now a high growth niche of veterinary medicine.
Currently, there are over 200 Zoonoses, or animal diseases, transmissible to people that are a significant infectious risk to human health. Effective control of these diseases in animals is paramount to their control and prevention in people. Proactive approaches to health care in the 21st century require closely controlled surveillance systems to detect and monitor disease problems that threaten both human and animal health.
Since outbreaks of certain diseases in animals typically precede outbreaks in people, health department’s routinely use animals as early warning signs or “Disease Sentinels” for certain infectious diseases, including Bubonic Plague, Hanta Virus, Equine Viral Encephalitis, and Rabies. This generally allows time for preventative measures to be taken that will reduce the number and/or severity of human cases.
Medical doctors and veterinarians are required to report certain diseases to local health authorities, which is crucial to effectively controlling and ultimately eliminating these diseases. Infectious diseases that threaten our economic welfare such as Mad Cow Disease, Tuberculosis, and Brucellosis must be reported within 24 hours at which point, strict state and federal guidelines geared to ultimately eradicate these diseases are employed.
This book is currently available on Amazon dot com for purchase. Foreword written by Ronald M. Klatz, M.D., D.O., president and co-founder of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine also online at WorldHealth dot net.