Beware of Pet Product SCAMS!
Before you consider buying a product for your pet, be sure to do your homework! Reliable sites should offer a valid contact phone number, that they ANSWER and an actual address.
Before you consider buying a product for your pet, be sure to do your homework! Reliable sites should offer a valid contact phone number, that they ANSWER and an actual address.
Dear Dr. Carol, We would like to take a moment, and thank you, for being a compassionate veterinarian, during Harleys’ battle with end stage cancer.
Hi, Dr. Carol, I want to thank you again for your PAAWS vitamins. The attached photos are of my wonderful hundred-pound St.Bernard/Chow mix, Spencer.
Arthritis Pain. Hi Dr Carol, I am writing to you to inform you of my dog, bobby’s condition.
The kidneys serve many vital functions. They filter and remove toxic wastes from the body via the urine, regulate calcium and vitamin D levels, maintain fluid levels, and secrete the hormone responsible for red blood cell production.
With our impressive array of technologies, like GPS and “smart” phones, one might hope that finding a lost pet is getting easier.
Dear Dr. Carol, I can’t thank you enough for your caring, all the time you spent talking with us and your help. Regarding our 15 year old dog, Presley’s kidney failure, I wanted to give you a quick update
Dear Dr. Carol, My dog Sebastian is 12 years old. He has severe allergies. His coat had spots that were bald and his ears were very dark and the skin was thick and infected looking.
I promised you an update on the cats paaws vitamins, the cats absolutely love them! I add the AM capsule in the morning with their food and they eat it right up and they enjoy the PM vitamins too.
Teaching Children How to Grieve. At age 4, Christian Knight had his first experience with death. His mother, Danielle Knight, found his fish floating upside down in the small aquarium in their home.
Hi Dr. Carol, We didn’t get Belles paaws vitamins and after a few days I panicked and re-ordered, this time I signed up for 2 months worth at a time. I think they all came in the same day.
Hi Doctor Carol, Max, my 13 year old lab looked good today he was active and actually able to go up and down the stairs which he did several times. He barked and wagged his tail.
It’s never easy to let go of a loved one, whether they have two legs or four. Pet owners often console themselves by saying they are “easing their pet’s misery” when they ask for euthanasia after diagnosis of a terminal illness
Canine Influenza Virus (H3N8) is a novel canine virus first identified in September of 2004 as a respiratory disease in racing greyhounds in Florida.
I just wanted to let you know that my 10 year old maltese, Flower is enjoying her Paaws vitamins each day. She loves them and we can already see improvement in her attitude, energy and arthritis.
Dear Dr. Carol, How in the WORLD do you have time to hand-write such a lovely note of sympathy, you big Sweetheart? To even think of sending it is what goes to my heart!
Each year in the United States, thousands of people lose their lives to fire. Tens of thousands are injured and the financial costs can reach into the billions of dollars.
Dr. Carol, Rene has only a week supply of your PAAWS vitamins left. Would you please send us two AM and two PM SENIOR vitamins for him. My husband has definitely become a believer with these vitamins.
Nestlé USA’s Baking Division has been informed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that it has found E. coli 0157:H7 in Nestlé TOLL HOUSE refrigerated chocolate chip cookie dough bar.
The owners of a Nevada pet food company pled guilty in federal court to distributing tainted ingredients intended for pet food that led to a nationwide recall in and the deaths of countless pets.
Dear Dr. Carol, We are now 10 days into the new feeding program necessitated by the twice daily dosages of your VitaLife cat supplement
Hi Dr. Carol, My cats are doing very well, thanks! The PAAWS vitamins do a great job on their coats, alertness, energy levels, everything!
Results arrived this week revealing toxic zinc levels in an unopened bag of Nutro Max Cat Adult Roasted Chicken Flavor food. The Nutro cat food bag stated it was best if used by June 7, 2010.
Science has validated the fact that baby toys can effectively stimulate a child’s brain along critical parts of their developmental pathway.
I just received this nice note and wanted to share it with my cat loving friends: Hello Dr. Carol, I just recently e-mailed you about my Scottish Fold cat who will be turning 15 in September.
Licorice. Feeding candy licorice to your dog – or any kind of confection, for that matter – is a definite no-no. But the herbal form of licorice is a time-tested remedy for gastrointestinal upset and skin problems such as allergies.
Hi Dr. Carol, Thank you, i did receive the Vitalife cat vitamins for Arnie, and have read your naturally healthy cats book, and found it to be very helpful.
This past week, we saw two more food recalls of concern. First, about 96,000 pounds of ground beef were recalled in Ohio, Illinois and Pennsylvania after several people became ill because of contamination
Over the last decade advances in veterinary medicine have nearly doubled the canine life span. The technological innovations we now offer for pets, parallel those available for people
Pet Flea & Tick. In our on-going war against parasites, “spot-on” medications have vanquished billions of blood thirsty fleas. But, along the way thousands of pets have suffered significant, even deadly, adverse reactions.