Another Pet Food Recall? In Southern California this past week, Pedigree recalled dry dog food due to Salmonella contamination. Although this recall appears to be small and contained, owners question Pet Food Safety and Mars Pet care. August 16, 2008 Chagrin Falls, Ohio – Just when pet owners hoped to be able to trust commercial pet foods on the shelf, Pedigree pet food sent to Albertsons and Costco stores is being recalled because of contamination with Salmonella, the California Department of Public Health said Tuesday.
Pedigree Complete Nutrition Small Crunchy Bites is the specific line being recalled.
Last week, the pet food contaminated with salmonella was shipped to a Pedigree facility in Tracy, Calif., and used in the production of several bags of dry dog food. 20-pound bags of tainted pet food were shipped to Albertsons supermarkets in Southern California and 52-pound bags were sent to Costco stores statewide. The code for the contaminated dog food sold at Albertsons is 830BFCAT02. The food sold at Costco has lot numbers of 831BFCAT02 and 830DFCAT02. Both have “best by” dates of 7/2009. Mars said pet owners should dispose of the product in a secure container and return the empty bag to the store where it was purchased for a refund.
Salmonella is a contagious bacteria that causes serious to fatal abdominal illness, with signs including nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and explosive diarrhea, in both people and pets.
People who do not adequately wash their hands after handling the contaminated pet food are also at risk of contracting the disease. Pets that show no obvious signs of illness can still spread the disease to other animals and people. Owners whose pets have eaten any of the recalled food should contact their veterinarian. Details of the pedigree dog food recall are available by calling (877) 568-4463 or logging onto the Mars web site