Chagrin Falls Veterinary Center & Pet Clinic with Dr. Carol Osborne. Located in Chagrin Falls, Ohio at 530 East Washington Street. Chagrin Falls Veterinary Center & Pet Clinic is operated by Veterinarian & Pet Celebrity Dr. Carol Osborne, the Integrative Pet Wellness Center offers traditional & natural alternative pet health products & therapies for dogs & cats.

Itching and Allergies

Bad Breath in Cats

MOUTH INFECTIONS FELINE STOMATITIS/LPGS Feline Stomatitis is also called Lymphocyte Plasmacytic Gingivitis Stomatitis (LPGS). LPGS is a severe disease of the oral cavity in certain cats. These cats develop an allergic reaction to the plaque around their teeth. This response causes severe inflammation at the junction where the tooth meets the gum line. CAUSE The…

Eye Infections in Kittens

EYE INFECTIONS IN KITTENS (CONJUNCTIVITIS NEONATORUM) Conjunctivitis Neonatorum is an inflammatory condition of the conjunctiva, the white tissue lining the eyelids that occurs due to Herpes Virus infection in kittens. The virus enters the eye through the eyelids before they have opened. Prompt intervention prevents rupture of the cornea and permanent scarring of the eye.…

Cat Eyes

Yours cat’s eyes should normally be clear, bright, and free of discharge. Red eyes in a cat can signal problems requiring treatment from eye drops to emergency surgery. Conjunctivitis is the most common eye problem in cats and is defined as an inflammation of the white membranes lining the inside of the eyelids. It leads…

Cat Flu

In this article Cat Flu is used to refer to Feline Upper Respiratory Disease. This is a complex illness commonly caused by a combination of viral and bacterial infections. All cats are susceptible but kittens with immature immune systems and breeds with facial flattening, like Persians are predisposed and more prone. Once cats are infected,…

Cat Bathing


Vaccines help protect your cat against many of the most serious potentially fatal diseases. Newborn kittens receive natural protection from antibodies in their mother’s first milk (called colostrum) while nursing. This protection lasts for the first few months of life then your kitten has to fend for himself. Most kittens need a series of shots…

Other Treatments

There are many more alternative therapies than those described here including Aromatherapy, Detoxification, Magnetic Field Therapy and Energetic Therapies like Reiki. As traditional research continues to uncover the efficiency of these treatments, more will find their way into maintstream verterinary medicine. FLOWER ESSENCES Flower essences are diluted flower preparations that are used to treat behavioral…


Homeopathists believe that giving an extremely dilute form of a substance similar to the one causing the symptoms, stimulates the body to overcome the illness itself. The remedies used are all natural and are derived from plants, minerals, or animal products. They are precisely diluted one part to 90 parts alcohol then vigorously shaken to…

Cat Bathing


Using plants and herbs for medicinal purposes is an ancient practice. You can cut up fresh herbs and mix them into the food, or use the liquid “tincture” form, which is the most potent and the best choice in most cases. Herbs can be used externally as dips and tonics for skin problems. They also…

Cat Vomiting

Holistic Medicine

Research has shown that health is influenced by physical, mental, and emotional factors.  Holistic medicine includes an evaluation of diet, emotions, behavior, and lifestyle, in addition to the routine physical exam.  Holistic Medicine is also called Alternative Medicine and is an approach that deals with the whole patient, not just the presenting complaint.  The veterinarian…

Choosing a Veterinarian

When deciding on a veterinarian, your initial reaction is generally your best guide. First, check references, ask for referrals and visit the practice. Find out what services are available, i.e. Boarding, Grooming, Hospitalization, 24-Hour Emergency Care. Veterinary medicine is constantly changing and new techniques are continually emerging to offer better health care for our pets.…

Feline Immuno Deficiency Virus (FIV)

FELINE IMMUNO DEFICIENCY VIRUS (FIV) (FELINE AIDS) FIV is a retrovirus related to but distant from the Feline Leukemia Virus. FIV is classified as a Lentivirus (or “slow virus”) as are the viruses that cause: • Progressive Pneumonia in Sheep • Infectious Anemia in Horses • Arthritis – Encephalitis in Goats • Acquired Immune Deficiency…

Feline Leukemia

FELINE LEUKEMIA Feline Leukemia is caused by a retrovirus and is the leading viral killer of cats today. The virus is spread by prolonged cat-to-cat contact and through bite wounds. An infected mother can transmit leukemia to her unborn kittens. The virus is shed in saliva, tears, urine, and feces but is unstable in the…


Fleas are the most common cause of itching and skin irritation in dogs. Over 50 percent of all skin allergies in dogs are due to fleas. The allergy is actually a reaction to a protein component of the fleas’ saliva. When these “allergic dogs” are bitten by a flea, they itch themselves until their skin…