Dog Bloat is also referred to as Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus, stomach torsion and twisted stomach. This is a true life threatening situation usually affecting deep chested, large breed dogs. After eating, the stomach fills with gas and dogs appear to be bloated. The bloated stomach may or may not turn over or twist upon itself blocking the entrance to and the exit from the stomach.
Once the stomach is twisted it puts pressure on the veins in the abdomen which reduces blood flow. Without emergency treatment, shock ensues, which can lead to death within a matter of hours. With emergency canine surgery nearly 50 percent of cases involving a twisted stomach are still fatal.
Causes of Dog Bloat
- Although the exact cause remains unknown, predisposing risk factors for dog bloat remain clear.
- Large breed, deep chested, middle age dogs are at highest risk based on their anatomy.
- Eating quickly
- Eating one large meal daily
- Dry food only diet
- Exercise after eating
- Fearful temperament
- Easily stressed
- Abnormal stomach motility
Signs of Dog Bloat
- *Attempts to belch or vomit at 5-30 minute intervals. This is the hallmark sign.
- Distended Abdomen
- Retching with no results
- Salivating excessively
- Drooling
- Rapid, Shallow Breathing
- Pale gums
- Rapid heart rate
- Collapse
Dog Breeds at High Risk: Breeds with the highest chest depth to width ratio are most prone.
- Great Danes
- Dobermans
- German Shepherds
- Irish Setters
- Gordon Setters
- Standard Poodles
- Boxers
- Saint Bernard’s
What Your Vet Can do for Dog Bloat
- Generally based on signs and history, most vets will immediately attempt to pass a stomach tube down your dog’s esophagus. If the stomach is filled with gas but not twisted, gas and fluid will be released through the stomach tube which will relieve the problem completely.
- If the stomach tube will not properly pass, then your vet may take an x-ray of your dogs abdomen to validate the stomach twist then prepare for emergency surgery.
- The vet will untwist the stomach and in most cases to try to prevent the twist from recurring by tacking or suturing a piece of the stomach to the abdominal wall. This procedure is called a Gastropexy.
What Pet Owners Can do to Prevent Dog Bloat
- Feed your dog several small meals daily and avoid feeding once a day large meals to help slow down your dogs eating time
- Consider an Iakiou Slow Dog Bowl designed specifically to slow down canine eating time
- Feed 2-3 small meals daily
- Avoid water one hour before and after meals
- Do not feed your dog using a raised bowl unless advised to do so by your vet
- Avoid dry food only diets as most are high ingrain which increases gas production in the stomach
- Provide fresh water at all times to discourage gulping water
- Add a little canned food to your dog’s diet. Canned food tends to be higher in meat than dry food and less likely to contribute to gas formation.
- Choose a dry dog food that lists meat as the first ingredient and has no carbohydrates listed in the top 4 ingredients.
- Do not allow your dog to run or exercise one hour before or after meals.
- Feed a high quality protein diet
- Reduce carbohydrates as much as possible to help avoid excessive gas formation. Remember dog treats and biscuits are generally very high in carbohydrates
- Feed at least three percent fiber or add fresh vegetable to your dog’s diet as a source of fiber
- Be sure you add comprehensive canine digestive enzymes to your dog’s diet
- Avoid Brewer’s yeast, alfalfa and soybean products
- Promote friendly bacteria in your dog’s intestine’s by adding a daily canine probiotic supplement for example, acidophilus and/ or lactobacillus.
TIP: By adding probiotics you are helping to avoid carbohydrate fermentation which once again leads to gas formation. This is especially important for dogs on antibiotics.
TIP: Antibiotics tend to reduce levels of “friendly bacteria” in your dog’s intestines so if your dog needs both be sure to give canine probiotics at least a few hours apart from the antibiotics so they will not be destroyed.
Most importantly really get to know your dog as well as possible so you are able to distinguish normal from abnormal and can detect medical problems quickly.
Pet Home Remedies for Canine Gas Relief
- Keep a product with Simethicone on hand. For example Mylanta Gas, Phazyme or Gas X. TIP: Mylanta is not the same as Mylanta Gas.
- If you see your dog’s stomach distending and are able to help reduce or slow down the rate of gas you will likely buy yourself a bit more time to get to your vet.
- Some vets recommend giving Simethicone immediately if your dog burps more than once or shows other signs of excess gas.
- Spices for Canine Gas Relief: Nutmeg dosed at one-half teaspoon and given by mouth
- Homeopathic Dog Gas Relief Remedy: Nux mochata 30X
Seven weeks ago (7/8), my golden retriever, (Sandy) suffered a collapsed lung in her sleep. I rushed her to the Metro Vet Hospital near Akron where they did emergency surgery. They confirmed there was no infection or cancer. In fact her chest cavity is so clean, the surgeon videoed the surgery for training purposes. Because she is so fit and active weighing 63 pounds, she was able to come home after 3 days there. She is healing very well and is now starting to slowly build up her endurance with caution. Can you please give me any information on why this unusual situation can occur in larger dogs? She is to have a chest x-ray in 4 to 6 months as a follow up. I would appreciate any suggestions you may have.
Thank you
Hi Jean,
Sandy suffered whats called “Spontaneous Pneumothorax”, which may be caused by a foreign body in the lung, lung cancer or an abscess, lung disease caused by parasites, or the development of blister-like structures in the dog’s lungs, known as pulmonary bullae.
Diagnosis is usually achieved by using either 1 of 2 procedures: thoracocentesis and bronchoscopy. Thoracocentesis, is a procedure in which an intravenous (IV) catheter attached to an extension is inserted into the pleural cavity. This can confirm the diagnosis, and may also be used to remove air from the pleural space. Bronchoscopy involves the use of a thin tube with a tiny camera attached which is inserted into the airways by way of the mouth. This is best done if there is evidence of tracheal or large airway trauma. Additional diagnostic techniques may include X-ray imaging of the chest, and urine analysis.
Sandy should be rested for about 1 week post op and her breathing should be monitored. If you are able to send us over her report, we can review and try to determined the underlying cause in which case we may be able to offer further suggestions.
If we can help in any way please don’t hesitate to give us a call
Best Wishes
Dr. Carol
My dog is suffred from stomach bloatong can u suggest me medicne for her
Hi Laxmi,
The key to Bloat prevention is to feed your dog multiple small meals daily. Be sure to keep your dog indoors and relatively quiet for 1-2 hours after each meal. He can frolic and play before meals but not after.
Best Wishes
Dr Carol
My dog has been having really loud gas lately. I can actually hear the food moving through his intestines. It’s been going on for the past 3 weeks and I am not sure what the cause is. Do you know what could be causing this? There has been no change in diet or anything that could cause this. It’s so loud I can hear it across the room.
add probiotics and try a bland diet