Video: Broken Bone Advice For Dog Owners
Broken Bone Advice
I get questions all the time from people whose dog has broken a leg and their vet recommends surgery, but they cannot afford it.
In spite of our best efforts, emergencies happen. You should know your vet’s procedures for emergency situations, especially the ones that occur at odd hours.
Broken Bones (dogs)
The most common cause of broken bones in dogs is automobile accidents. Fights between big dogs and little dogs can also end up causing broken bones. Other causes include falling from a table, bouncing from the back of a pick-up truck, and various diseases, including bone cancer.
Canine Automobile Accidents
The number-one cause of canine emergencies is automobile accidents. The term used by vets is “HBC” meaning “Hit By Car”. Some dogs in automobile accidents just end up with minor wounds, bruises, or lacerations. Most dogs, however, end up with broken bones and/or other internal injuries.
Cat Broken Bones
The most common cause of broken bones in cats is automobile accidents. Fights between dogs and cats can also end up causing broken bones. Other causes include falling from a table, bouncing from the back of a pick-up truck, and various diseases, including bone cancer.
Feline Automobile Accidents
The number-one cause of feline emergencies is automobile accidents. The term used by vets is “HBC” meaning “Hit By Car”. Some cats in automobile accidents just end up with minor wounds, bruises, or lacerations.