AKC: Mammary Tumors in Dogs
Dr. Carol was recently interviewed by the American Kennel Club about tumors in dogs. Did you know that this cancer is three times higher in gods than humans?
Dr. Carol was recently interviewed by the American Kennel Club about tumors in dogs. Did you know that this cancer is three times higher in gods than humans?
Dr. Carol was recently interviewed on Coast to Coast AM. Listen to the first hour to hear Dr. Carol discuss this fascinating subject.
Dr. Carol Osborne was interviewed recently by Dog Time on the subject of helping your pet age well. This is a great little Q & A session.
Dr. Carol Osborne sat down with Veterinary Economics Magazine and discussed advances with cracking the genetic code of Fido to not only reveal the family history, but also the health history of your dog.
Canine Genetic Code: Bond clients to your practice by revealing dogs’ family history. It used to be all in the name. Dr. Marty BeckerCanine Genetic Code—the veterinary correspondent for Good Morning America
Lymphoma, also referred to as Lymphosarcoma is the most commonly treated form of cancer in dogs. Also called lymphoma or non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, lymphosarcoma may be diagnosed after a routine veterinary
In a time of crisis, many people consider giving blood as a means to help victims of war, natural disasters or even terrorist attack. But when tragedy occurs, what happens when your pets need blood? How do veterinarians cope with an immediate need for these vital fluids?
Fortunately, animal blood banks exist and can help insure that your pet gets the right blood product and the right type of blood for any injury or illness. Historically, most veterinarians used their own pets as a reservoir for emergencies, but too often, transfusion reactions occurred and many pets died.
Blood types are well known in humans and our pets are just as complex. Cats, as an example, have three main blood types (A, B, and AB) while dogs actually have more than a dozen different blood groups. Problems occur when pets of one blood type receive blood from a different blood type and often the resulting reaction can be catastrophic or even deadly.
Beyond typing the blood, animal blood banks can also help cross match samples of donor and recipient blood. This procedure further insures that no unplanned reactions happen when the patient receives the blood. Typing and cross matching is common in human hospitals and is just now becoming the standard for our pets as well.
Interested pet owners can talk with their veterinarians about animal blood drives happening in their local area. Often, blood collected locally is used to save pet lives across town or even across the country