Dog Diarrhea
Dog Diarrhea consists of the abnormally frequent passage of loose or soft stools, and is one of the most common signs of disease in dogs.
Dog Diarrhea consists of the abnormally frequent passage of loose or soft stools, and is one of the most common signs of disease in dogs.
Skin Infections & Allergies. Bacterial skin infections are the third major cause of itching in dogs. Most of these infections occur when the immune system is compromised by allergies, illness or stress.
Yesterday we discussed the signs and symptoms of feline asthma, a breathing disorder that affects nearly 800,000 domestic cats.
Stinky Ears? It’s not uncommon to notice an odor coming from your pet’s ears; however, this is a sure sign that something is amiss! Odors may be a result of ear mites, bacterial infection, or just dirt and debris.
January 27, 2009: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have confirmed the sources of tainted pet peanut butter products containing Salmonella bacteria.
FDA Update. The center for Disease Control (CDC), on May 16, 2008 reported a multistate outbreak of infection with a contagoius bacteria called Salmonella that was associated with dry dog food.
Bacterial Skin Infections – Dogs
Bacterial skin infections are the third major cause of itching in dogs. Most of these infections occur when the immune system is compromised by allergies, illness or stress. “Pyoderma” is the medical term used for bacterial infections of the skin and literally means “pus in the skin”.
Disease of the oral cavity is the most common health problem treated in small animal clinics today. At least 85 percent of all dogs and cats over two years old have gum disease. Left untreated, this is now known to be a leading cause of heart disease in pets and in people. Bacterial from the…
Conjunctivitis in Dogs
Yours dog’s eyes should normally be clear, bright, and free of discharge. Red eyes in a dog can signal problems requiring treatment from eye drops to emergency surgery.
Cat Abscesses
An abscess is a pocket of pus under the skin. Pus is an accumulation of bacteria and white blood cells and indicates the presence of infection. The problem is detection because cat fur is so dense an abscess is easy to miss initially.
Stud tail is actually Seborrhea of the tail. Cats have 2 types of skin glands. Sweat glands, most of which are non functional and sebaceous glands. Sebaceous glands are associated with hair follicles and produce an oily substance called sebum.
Feline acne is a skin condition affecting the cats chin. Overactive oil (sebaceous) glands in the chin produce excess oil or sebum which predisposes cats to developing Feline Acne and Stud Tail. The oil, which is also called Sebum, plugs up the hair follicles in the chin which causes black heads called Comedomes to form.…
Skin diseases are very common in cats. They can occur because of bacterial, viral, fungal, allergic, parasitic, and hormonal disorders. In older cats, skin cancer and cysts are not uncommon. Signs of skin problems are among the easiest to detect. They include dry flaky skin, as well as red, raw irritated areas often with hair…
Feline Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by sudden episodes of breathing difficulty. Episodes are most often triggered by allergies or stress, which cause constriction of the airways. This leads to breathing difficulty, coughing and wheezing. A low-grade, chronic cough may be the only sign but an acute crisis can occur at any time…
In this article Cat Flu is used to refer to Feline Upper Respiratory Disease. This is a complex illness commonly caused by a combination of viral and bacterial infections. All cats are susceptible but kittens with immature immune systems and breeds with facial flattening, like Persians are predisposed and more prone. Once cats are infected,…
Zoonotic diseases can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. The best way to avoid Zoonoses is to make sure your pet is healthy: