Dear Dr. Carol, We are now 10 days into the new feeding program necessitated by the twice daily dosages of your VitaLife cat supplement – and we have two kitties who are absolutely thrilled with their new early evening tuna treats and your AM/PM supplement. Thus the old feeding pattern in place for 10 years has been jettisoned in 10 days – by the unanimous opinions of both participating quadrupeds. My previous concerns have been overruled. Impressive. So as Franny and Cleo’s two legged servant, it is time for me to negotiate as graceful a surrender as circumstances and my poor diplomatic skills permit. At this point, I cannot imagine discontinuing this program.
You are their unsung hero. To state that they enjoy this second daily meal/snack of tuna, VitaLife & usually a snack of kitty kissers or roasted chicken, pork, or ham would be a significant understatement. The more outspoken of the two usually starts her daily performance of the heartrending ‘starving kitty symphony’ about an hour before the designated second feeding time. She’s neither shy, nor short in the enthusiasm department. I would appreciate your suggestions on setting up the most economical ordering and shipping program to continue your VitaLife cat supplements. I’d like to also establish a standing, flexible order of the chicken liver kitty kissers – as we’re using about one box per week. As our current 30 day supply was started on June 16 – PM to be precise – our supply will last until July 15 – and by then, Joanne will have returned, and I have no doubt that she will echo my comments (in this email). Looking forward to hearing from you – when your time permits. Thank you.
Dale G.
San Diego, California