Super Fleas. Toxicity and ineffectiveness cited as chief concerns with current products, but is it warranted? Despite powerful flea control medications, some pet owners are searching for alternatives to help keep these pesky parasites off of their dogs and cats. Some people believe the current products are unsafe for their pets and the environment while others are concerned that fleas have become resistant to these same products. So, where does fact stop and fiction begin?
Seeing products in the pet store or grocery store that look similar to what they see at the veterinary office, many pet owners will naturally opt for the convenience of the local store. However, selecting flea control from a mass merchant can be very dangerous for your pets – especially cats.
Many flea products contain the active ingredient Permethrin, which is an effective insecticide, but is deadly to your feline friend. Permethrin has been available for more than 30 years and experts now estimate more than one-third of all fleas have developed a resistance to this chemical. In a similar fashion, many pet owners perceive that products purchased at their veterinary office are also failing – this perception is not only false, but potentially deadly to your dog or cat.
Veterinary products are still very effective at controlling fleas and have a wide safety margin in many species. Veterinary experts agree that resistance to these products has not occurred, and perceived product failures are usually due to either excessive fleas in the environment or inappropriate application of the product.
Veterinarians have access to at least ten different flea products that will not only provide excellent flea defense for your pets, but are safe and convenient to use. Both oral and topical formulations are available and your veterinary team is happy to help you find the right one for your pets.