Cancer in Dogs
Dogs suffer form a variety of cancers on their face and head. The mouth is a common site for cancer. Breeds with dark pigment, like black cocker spaniels and chows, are prone to melanomas in the mouth. Signs include swelling around apparently normal teeth. Cancer of the nose and nasal sinuses accounts for 2 percent of all cancer in dogs. Sniffing chemicals and carcinogens like herbicides and pesticides are though to be causative factors. High-energy radiation therapy provides the longest survival time for nasal tumors. Dogs survive for 12 to 18 months with this treatment but most eventually die as a result of the tumor.
(NOTE: Cancer is common in boxers.)
A benign overgrowth of gum tissue is called an epulus. These growths are not uncommon and tend to become quite large. They can lead to gum disease because food deposits can become trapped in the gap between the tumor and the tooth allowing bacteria to multiply and attack the gums. These growths are benign and are not life threatening.
* Look at your dog’s mouth regularly, on a daily basis if possible, so that you can identify problems early. Any growth in the mouth should be checked by your vet to establish a diagnosis.
* Limiting exposure to sunlight helps decrease the risk of developing skin, nose and mouth cancers. To avoid excessive sun, use sun block with 30 plus protection, keep your dog inside from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. when the sun is at its hottest and get your dog a jacket or even a hat if necessary.
Two remedies that may help decrease the size of an epulus (gum growth). For dogs over eight years old, Caldaria fluorica 30c given twice each week can be beneficial, for younger dogs try Calcarea carbonica 30c twice a week.
My 4 year old Dutch Shepherd has a 1.5 cm cauliflower-like growth behind her left lower largest tooth (canine?)
and two smaller wart-like (pencil eraser size)growths that appeared after the first growth, on the inside of her left lip. One vet suggested canine papiloma virus, one suggested an epulus, (both in phone consults). What is the difference? Id like to treat homeopathically, and see a possibility of Calcarea carbonica for the epulus on your site. My homeopathic friend suggested Thuja which I also saw in Dr Pitcairn’s book. Do you have a preference or other suggestion that I can add to my choices? Thank you for anything you can share.
Molly Jarin
Hi Molly,
From your description, they sound like they are, whats called an Epulus which is nothing to be concerned about. Taking your dog to your vet would give you a definitive answer and thats a very good idea.
Once you know for sure what it is, homeopathic therapy is fine for the epulus-a benign overgrowth of gum tissue that is not harmful to your dog and for which calcarea is a valid option. If that doesn’t seem to work then I would try Thuga. I wouldn’t do anything until you are sure of exactly what it is as canine pappiloma virus-which is a fancy name for warts would require different therapy.
I am glad to talk to you and am available toll free at 1 866 372 2765.
Thank you
Dr Carol
1 of my dogs has a few lymphosarcomas of different sizes , he is on over 50 herbs & healing for over 6 yrs approx. i am vegetarian almost vegan . the dog was also abused & it is difficult to heal fast in a bully household …. most of the swellings have reduced by over 50% size , & have become more soft . only 1 ulcer sore tiny has started but gone away . there are negative forces opposing the healing. what natural remedies internal & external should I use now & to ensure ulcers do not start , & to continue to prevent leukemia , other swellings , ? the dog can walk well still , is in no pain . but as i say we are under psychic attacks . seems more like a grip stronghold .
Please give us a call 440 247 5901, and I can answer some of your questions and try to be of help.
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