Canine Officer Dies in Line of Duty: Everyone here at Chagrin Falls Pet Clinic wants to pay tribute to the life of local Canton, OH K-9 Officer Jethro Davis. Jethro took three bullets in the line of duty to save his handler Officer Ryan Davis at a local burglary in Canton, Oh. Jethro was killed in the line of duty leaving his officer devastated, “I would trade places with him in a heartbeat. Absolutely, because I wouldn’t have to sit here and suffer the loss of him. He’s left a hole that will never be filled. He gave his life for me”, said Davis.
Jethro was a part of Davis’s family, getting the dog when he was only 2 months old. He grew up with his kids and was cherished by their family. “He was part of the family,” he said. “He lived in the house with us. He was still a lot of puppies. I didn’t realize how big and strong he’d actually gotten.”
Hundreds gathered at Jethro’s memorial service, to celebrate his work in the line of duty, at the Canton Civic Center. Officers came from across the country to celebrate Jethro’s life and service to this country. “He was unconditionally loyal. He was unconditionally loving. He was my right-hand man for the last year. He’s been a member of the family since day one,” Davis said. “This one is just so much deeper because I spend more time with him than I do with my family.”
Jethro was shot three times last Saturday at Fisher Foods on Harrison Ave SW, and sadly died from his injuries later on Sunday.“Everything that I went to, he went to,” Davis said. “He’s been with me a little over a year and a half. All day at work, all day at home, under my feet. He was only a couple months old when he figured out how to open the doors in my house and he was in the shower with me. He loved water.”
It’s never easy to let go of a loved one, whether they have two legs or four.
Would you address the subject, though rare, of a collapsed lung in my female golden please? She was rushed to Metro for live saving surgery. Is there any precautions I should follow? This occurred June 6, 2015 and she is 8 years old, very active, shows in obedience, is a TDI working dog and weighs 65 pounds. I let her practice agility with a 16 inch jump only because she likes to do it but does not show in this category. Sandy has been on your joint supplement for years.
Thank you,
Give us a call to discuss! You have been a wonderful client over the years!! 440 247 5901