Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome. A lapse in dog house training behavior can occur later in a dog’s life. Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS) is the equivalent of Alzheimer’s disease in humans. It is the third leading cause of euthanasia, and affects over seven million dogs ten years of age and older. CDS is an age-related deterioration of cognitive or mental abilities in dogs characterized by behavioral changes that include loss of house training, disorientation, aimless wandering, staring into space, and decreased responsiveness to family members, confusion and excessive sleeping.
There is no blood test or CAT-scan to test for canine cognitive dysfunction; the evidence can only be found by examining the dog’s brain post mortem.
Vets make the diagnosis by ruling out other problems that cause similar dog symptoms.
Traditional Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome Treatment
Anipryl is a once-a-day pill that helps to relieve dog dementia. Over 77 percent of dogs show improvement in less than 30 days with Anipryl.
Complementary Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome Treatments
Paaws Pet Vitamins and VitaLife Dog Supplements help many senior dogs to combat CDS by boosting brain function and restoring normal canine mental clarity and function.
Deprinyl is a natural nutrient available over-the-counter and is exactly the same as the medication currently sold as Anipryl but comes with a much lower price tag.