QUESTION:I have a male Boston Terrier who turned 9yrs. old this past August.and was diagnosed with CRF in April of 2007. My vet has him on a special Kidney dog food diet and a blood pressure pill with a fluid pill mixed with it. I give him 1 tsp. of Mylanta after he eats as a phosphorus binder.
His levels have slowly climbed over the last 8 months and have never really leveled off. On December 10th of 2007 I took him to the vet and his bun level was 82 and the creatinine level was 5.2 I think. The vet has told me there is nothing else he can do except starting him on the fluid therapy. Is this true? If not what other options do I have. My dog is a very nervous dog and does not handle stress well. He also has separation anxiety disorder. Please reply because I don’t want to just give up on my dog if there is more that can be done.
Thank You,
I enjoyed talking to you today and have summarized our conversation. Please send me a copy of your dog’s blood and urine results. Your dog needs fluids to flush the toxins from his body-ask your vet to teach you how to give subcutaneous fluids at home.
Use distilled water, and consider a home made diet: 1/3 lean protein sources such as chicken, turkey, beef, salmon, eggs, unreamed cottage cheese, 1/3 carbohydrates sources include rice, pasta, potatoes and 1/3 fiber or vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, green beans etc.
If you are not keen on cooking, I have had very good results, in my canine kidney patients with a line of natral food called Prairie and also with Neumans organic line of food which I can send you to try.
Cook the food in a little extra virgin olive oil, which is a great source of omega 3 fatty acids. Dogs judge their food primarily by smell, the olive oil enhances the smell as well as the flavor and taste of the food.
There is a natural product called calcitriol, which is the active form of Vitamin D, that regenerates the kidneys and once I evaluate the blood work I will let you know if that is an option for your dog.
PAAWS is a vitamin supplement that also benefits dogs like yours.
Thank you,
Dr. Carol
so you can give dogs with kidney failure virgin olive oil is that what you are saying