Dr Carol, Thank you for responding. I have a 13 year old cat, extremely good health, bright eyes, good coat. For 6-8 months now, he has a severely runny nose, (clear fluid) and a nasal discharge more whitish than yellow in color that he tries to cough up. The vet here has sent off a culture which has come back as non-bacterial. They tried prednisone which did not help. They say his lungs and chest are clear and that it seems to be all in the respiratory. The other 2 cats, (all indoor cats) are not affected. I sent for your allergy tablets which may have helped very slightly. He has been on them for about 10 days. The problem is still here though. Could this be anything else? It has been since spring and he must be miserable.
Thought you might have another idea.
Thank you for your time.
Hi Jon,
Since this has been going on a while here are my suggestions: your vet needs to do a complete blood count and a chemistry profile-once you get this please email or fax it to me Please get a copy of the culture and email it or fax (my fax # is 1 440 287 6815) it to me I assume he is up to date on his annual vaccines-if not he should be have xrays of his chest been taken? Has he been blood tested negative for FELV (feline leukemia), FIP (feline infectious peritonotis), and FIV (feline immuno-virus), -if not ask your vet to add these 3 viral blood tests to the other blood tests he will take and ask the vet to have all tests run at a lab not in house
We can then evaluate the test results and go from there
You may need to see an internal medicine specialist and have a trans-tracheal wash done, but first we need to get the above baseline information and results
If I can be of further help please let me know
Thank you,
Dr Carol Osborne, DVM