Most puppies respond best to praise, positive reinforcement, lots of love and rewards. Once you understand how your puppy learns, then try to figure out what he likes and doesn’t like. For example, his favorite foods and types of toys. Most puppies prefer certain types of textures especially leather shoes when they are teething. Dogs like some odors, for example many come romping into the kitchen when they smell “freshly roasted” turkey on your kitchen counter. That’s because they associate it with something good, food!! Certain loud noises like thunderstorms and fireworks make a lot of dogs run under beds. That’s because they are loud and scary. Most puppies also enjoy stealing your socks and panties and that’s because they associate them with someone they love, “you”. If you set your home up accordingly, you can prevent mistakes and avoid a lot of problems.

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Author: Dr. Carol Osborne Falls Veterinary Center & Pet Clinic with Dr. Carol Osborne. Located in Chagrin Falls, Ohio at 530 East Washington Street. Chagrin Falls Veterinary Center & Pet Clinic is operated by Veterinarian & Pet Celebrity Dr. Carol Osborne, the Integrative Pet Wellness Center offers traditional & natural alternative pet health products & therapies for dogs & cats.