Dr. Carol says, Exercise is Good for Pets and their People!
PETS AND their PEOPLE. How Much Exercise Do Dogs Need? Dogs needs at least 20 minutes of exercise twice a day. The exact amount varies with age, breed, weight and physical condition.
PETS AND their PEOPLE. How Much Exercise Do Dogs Need? Dogs needs at least 20 minutes of exercise twice a day. The exact amount varies with age, breed, weight and physical condition.
I wanted to share this note I received from a client I have been working with over the phone for the last couple months, trying to help her resolve chronic diarrhea in her cat, Maggie.
Carboplatin. Mainstream veterinary medicine is opening up its doors to nutritional supplements and nutriceuticals in part because consumer demand is booming.
Hi Dr. Carol, I know I have told you many times, but your pet anti-aging-wellness products are absolutely the best. It’s not just one product, I mean ALL of your products.
Freak propane explosion kills Steward’s dog along 17 others at a local kennel. In Summit Hill, New Jersey, 17 dogs were killed in an accidental propane explosion at an eastern Pennsylvania boarding kennel
Kids and pets are nothing out of the ordinary that is until you meet Riley, an 8 year old girl from Colorado who’s allergic to peanuts.
Pet owners are trying to save money in many ways, but according to veterinarian, Dr. Carol Osborne, DVM of Chagrin Falls, Ohio stopping your dog’s heartworm prevention should not be one of them.
With Spring in the air, many homeowners and gardeners are sure to be outside getting their hands dirty. But veterinarians say cocoa mulch made by Hershey’s has a sweet-smell attractive to pets
In a time of crisis, many people consider giving blood as a means to help victims of war, natural disasters or even terrorist attack. But when tragedy occurs, what happens when your pets need blood? How do veterinarians cope with an immediate need for these vital fluids?
Fortunately, animal blood banks exist and can help insure that your pet gets the right blood product and the right type of blood for any injury or illness. Historically, most veterinarians used their own pets as a reservoir for emergencies, but too often, transfusion reactions occurred and many pets died.
Blood types are well known in humans and our pets are just as complex. Cats, as an example, have three main blood types (A, B, and AB) while dogs actually have more than a dozen different blood groups. Problems occur when pets of one blood type receive blood from a different blood type and often the resulting reaction can be catastrophic or even deadly.
Beyond typing the blood, animal blood banks can also help cross match samples of donor and recipient blood. This procedure further insures that no unplanned reactions happen when the patient receives the blood. Typing and cross matching is common in human hospitals and is just now becoming the standard for our pets as well.
Interested pet owners can talk with their veterinarians about animal blood drives happening in their local area. Often, blood collected locally is used to save pet lives across town or even across the country
Pet products recalled. More than 1100 pet products have been recalled, including several dozen pet treats. The recall issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Recently I have received a lot of questions from pet owners about a condition in dogs called Cherry Eye. Here’s a note I wanted to share: Having read your advice re: Cherry Eye
I am writing you this letter to express my gratitude. You are an amazing professional, empathetic human being, and truly a pleasure to know. Here is some background on my story. I have a long haired Chihuahua named Senor Paco. Paco is 13 years young and has always been healthy as can be. I had purchased Dr. Carol’s senior pet vitamins for my dog in March 2008 after seeing the pet vitamins on an infomercial. I began giving him half a pill in the AM and half in the PM.
Cherry eye is by definition a prolapse of the gland of the 3rd eyelid, which is also referred to as the Nictitans or Lacrimal (tear) gland. Some refer to this gland as the “Haws.”
As summer time and warmer weather approaches, Ticks often become an issue for many pets and their people. Ticks can infect your dog with Lyme disease
Pet dentists. Chagrin Falls, Ohio- February 6, 2009- Our pets can enjoy the benefits of good dental health through routine brushing and visits to the veterinary dentist.
I wanted to share this note I received from a pleased pet patient: Dr. Carol,
You are the best, and I still wish you were located here in GA., so you could be our in state D.V.M.!
I really just trust your advice, Dr. Carol, as I have had so many bad experiences with other pet doctors, and you are the best in the biz!!Warm Regards, DeLise C., Georgia
Dental Problems can be Deadly for Pets. Cleaning your pet’s teeth is a great way to save yourself from smelling horrendous pet breath.
I get questions all the time from people whose dog has broken a leg and their vet recommends surgery, but they cannot afford it.
Dog Diarrhea. I wanted to share this story with all of our pet lovers: Karena, a client of mine put my “Naturally Healthy Dogs” book to good use last week. Her dog Danzig had severe diarrhea.
Although pets have yet to be been reported ill, several people have become ill and the numbers are rising. To date, 485 people were sickened and six have died after eating the tainted peanut butter products.
Hi Dr. Carol, I was thinking about you the other day, was going to send you a picture of my 2 puppies. Yes I got my Thunder (the shepherd/husky) and brother his name is Jake (lab/shepherd) I also got Jake
Nearly 14 million pets mostly dogs are expected to be traveling this holiday season posing all kinds of thorny hospitality issues for pets, as well as their owners and guests.
Researchers at the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, have discovered a gene mutation in Dalmatian dogs responsible for causing high levels of uric that can lead to bladder stones.
I wanted to share this with all of our readers, hoping it may be helpful to others whose dogs may have issues with urine crystals.
For all of us pet lovers planning to have their pets enjoy the festivities Halloween offers, here are a few common sense safety tips for pets and their people to help ensure for all while tricking and treating this season.
Occasionally your veterinarian may recommend you see a veterinary surgeon. These veterinary specialists are considered an extension of your family veterinarian, not competitors.
Dr. Carol, We have two black labs Coal & Belle; they are 1 yr and a couple weeks. When they were younger they played with rocks and chewed on them.
Dr. Carol, You’re a sweetheart of a woman! Best to you Dr. Carol, you have a huge heart! Brandy, (and I) strike a pose for you … LOL! .. poor brandy, just know, I don’t dress her but for very special occasions,
A visit to the swimming pool, the local creek, or the ocean helps us stay cool during the “dog days” of summer. But what about our canine companions – how do we keep them cool?
New Birth Control Options for Dog & Cat Owners. Technology now offers dog owners a viable new option to neutering their male canine companions in case they may want to breed their dog later in life.