Carboplatin. Mainstream veterinary medicine is opening up its doors to nutritional supplements and nutriceuticals in part because consumer demand is booming. Supplements are helpful for dogs and cats in a variety of ways; they can increase the efficacy of conventional medications, to boost immunity in dogs with cancer, or to neutralize the side effects of chemotherapy. For example, vitamins help reduce upset stomachs in dogs receiving chemotherapy. For a pet receiving the chemo drug Carboplatin, astragalus, an herbal supplement enhances carboplatin’s efficacy.
The use of nutritional supplements for joint and arthritis disorders is well documented. Primary vitamin supplements useful for canine arthritis disorders include Glucosamine, MSM, Omega- Fatty Acids, Vitamin C and Chondroitan Sulfate. Omega-3 fatty acids actually block a substance called arachidonic acid, thereby stopping your dog’s body from producing the enzymes responsible for cartilage degradation. Dogs with liver disease often receive Vitamin E, Milk Thistle and SAM-E. A dog with chronic active hepatitis may be initially treated traditionally with corticosteroids but may also receive Vitamin E, Milk Thistle and Zinc to enhance the results and promote healing of the liver. How much of which supplement to use and for what purpose remain as major unanswered questions for the vast majority of veterinarians and pet owners alike.
Answers to these issues as well as accurate information regarding the safety of various herbal and nutritional supplements are desperately needed and in demand. For example in extreme cases fatalities have resulted from dogs given supplements containing guarana and ma huang. Dr. Carol will provide these answers and more in her upcoming online pet anti-aging wellness seminar series.
Two Paws UP! good info to know. Love, your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy!