If you, Fido and Fluffy are quarantined to your home because of COVID-19, chances are you may feel a bit “blue” having had your life basically turned upside down. Your pets likely feel the same way. To counteract living under a quarantine and feeling isolated here are a few tips to help and your pets make the best of this time.
Pets like routines and consistency. First, be consistent with your dog’s meals. Consider frozen vegetables and other healthy treats. You can hide goodies around your house and/or place frozen treats inside of various canine gadgets like Kong’s for example, to make it more exciting. Most dogs love a good game of hide n seek.
Next is exercise. Increasing your canines daily exercise regime will benefit your dog’s body and brain. Exercise will make you feel better as well. Even if you are quarantined to your home you can still be creative and think up games and activities that will benefit you and your 4-legged companion. Think of exercise as playtime and if you can increase daily playtime with your pup it will help to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression for both of you.
Exercise & Pet Play – Benefits
Did you know exercise increases the healthy lifespan of dogs and cats and people? One hour of play can add two additional days or up to 48 hours of life for your pet! We all want to help our pets live happy, healthy lives and how much more fun can it get than to be able to do so simply by playing fetch?
So, instead of feeling “blue” grab your canine’s leash and have a ball. If you are stuck indoors, be creative, think up games and activities that will be fun for both of you and engage. If you are a cat owner, remember bags and boxes offer hours and hours of endless entertainment for felines.
After all, exercise is as good for you as it is for your pet. Exercise benefits the body and the brain and exercised dogs are typically happy and well-behaved. Get outside or if you’re quarantined to your home, stay inside, be creative and play with your pets to ward off depression and increase the quality and quantity of life for both of you.
Exercise or playtime in this case, is integral to life! Not only is it essential for optimal health, it also improves circulation, stimulates the heart and other vital organs, facilitates digestion, and helps eliminate harmful toxins from your dogs’ body as well as yours. Playtime provides aerobic activity that stimulates us mentally and physically. It relieves the blues, is a great boredom buster, and it’s FUN.
Make the Commitment! Eat right and exercise with your dog at least 10 minutes, 4 times a day. You and Fido will both look good and feel great. Before long you’ll both be waggin your tails!
Dr. Carol’s Tip: “If you can’t exercise, stretch, swim and bone up on pet massage. It’s therapeutic and stimulates vital tissues. It’s also fun and feels great.