Hi Halle/Dr. Carol – thank you for emailing Ella’s results and for the voicemail message you left me a couple of weeks ago. I appreciate the level of service and detail you offer your clients (and their owners) and have recommended your practice to a few others already.
Ella did really well with her pheromone collar and essential oils drops. The collar and drops combined seem to be the most effective and it works well to leave the collar on and use the drops as need for high stress times (like riding in a car/ airplane or to help with separation anxiety).
She really is so much improved I can’t believe it.
- She has less anxiety around the house, with family and strangers, and during separation in the car
Less stress related licking and chewing on herself and less shaking/quaking in the car
When combined with the EO’s she is very calm and subdued and even slept on the airplane ride which blew my mind. In fairness, we did fly private so I don’t know how she would have been on a big commercial airplane but for Ella it was still a big deal.Thanks so much for your time and expertise. Allison H. & Ella