Pet Antioxidants: Benefits for Dogs & Cats. Your pet’s body naturally contains many antioxidants that work together, in a variety of ways to help protect and insure your pet’s health. Vitamins, minerals and certain nutrients are classified as antioxidants. Examples of antioxidants of importance for your pet’s health include: Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E, the minerals: Selenium and Zinc, Calcium and Magnesium along with the natural nutrients Alpha Lipoic Acid, Lutein and Coenzyme Q10.
Antioxidants neutralize harmful compounds in pets called free radicals. Pet free radicals are formed each time your dog or cat takes a breath. Exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays, environmental toxins, pollution, heavy metals, stress, diet and drugs, including antibiotics, also contribute to their production. Billions of free radicals are formed in your dog’s and cat’s body each day.
Free radicals cause oxidative stress, which damages your pet’s body; in much the same way that oxygen causes iron to rust. Free radicals damage your dogs and cats cells and can also adversely effect vital tissues, organs and even DNA, their genetic material. These harmful changes accumulate and have been proven to decrease the quality and length of pet life.
Pet antioxidant supplements can increase your pets healthy life span and slow the aging process by providing the body with additional defenses against free radicals and decreasing the resultant levels of oxidative damage. Oxidative damage has been associated with many of the leading age related degenerative pet diseases including cancer, heart disease, liver and kidney disorders as well as arthritis and diabetes.
It is noteworthy to mention that phosphorus, iron and copper increase the rate at which dogs and cats age. Research documents the fact that by accelerating the pet aging process in dogs and cats, these elements actually decrease your pets healthy lifespan and reduce the length of their lives as a result. In addition, phosphorus accelerates kidney disease.
Pet vitamin supplements such as PAAWS Pet Vitamins and VitaLife Pet Supplements contain optimal levels of water soluble, natural anti-oxidants that are custom blended and patented specifically for dogs and cats. The PAAWS and VitaLife Advanced AM/PM Health and Wellness Complex are designed and dosed for pets based on their age and body weight.
Clinical Trials results from ongoing the 14 year Clinical Trials Life Time Study show that dogs and cats on Paaws Pet Vitamins are enjoying up to a 30% increase in healthy pet lifespans, which translates into 3-4 extra healthy years pets and their owners can both enjoy together. That’s something to bark about!