Animal Heroes. Turning on the daily news can sometimes leave one depressed about much of the news is bad, or has a negative slant. This is especially true when one considers the news reports about pit bull breed dogs. Most news stories that involve the pit breed tends to involve stories of dog attacks or legislation designed to ban the breed in various towns across America. However, one recent news story about a pit bull dog gave owners of this breed a sense of pride and left some pit opponents reconsidering their stance.
KSDK Channel 5 News reported the story of a bit bull named Lilly that literally stepped in front of an oncoming train in an effort to save her companion. Lilly tried to push and pull her adopted mom out of harms way when the woman fell unconscious on train tracks. With the train unable to fully stop, Lilly stepped in front of the woman to take the brunt of the trauma in an effort to protect her. Though she suffered serious injuries, Lilly was not killed, and miraculously, the woman was uninjured.
To see the full story, enjoy the video clip. And, hug your dog – he (or she) really can be your best friend!