Myself and other pet health professionals have been speaking out against the chicken jerky treats from Waggin’ Train for months, warning consumers that these treats have been linked to illness and death in several dogs. Now, a $5 million class action lawsuit has been filed against Nestle’ Purina and Wal-Mart by a pet owner whose beloved dog passed away after eating the Yam Good Waggin’ Train treats.
According to one report, over 500 reports were sent to Nestle’ Purina and Wagon Train LLC of pets who became ill after eating the jerky treat products. The company responded by placing a warning on their website regarding the complaints. Meanwhile, thousands of packages of potentially deadly treats remained on store shelves and in pet homes where they would be purchased and fed to defenseless pets day after day.
The legal complaint against Nestle’ Purina, Wagon Train, LLC, and Wal-Mart can be found here.
Please, my dear pet-loving friends, do not take any chances with your pet’s life. Warn other pet lovers you know, too, about the potential danger with these treats. After all, how many pet owners really look at the website of a company producing treats before making that impulse purchase at Wal-Mart? And, for the record, Wal-Mart is still selling the Wagon Train treats on their shelves across the country.
For more details on the class action suit, please see this article or this article.