Pet antioxidants play a vital role in keep your dog and cat’s immune system strong and protecting him or her from infection and disease. Glucosamine and MSM are powerful, naturally-occurring pet antioxidants naturally found in the body of dogs and cats. Unfortunately, anti-oxidant levels peak as early as the age of 2 in pets and at the age of 10 in people, after which time they decline by roughly 15 percent each decade or every 10 years.
That’s why a variety of vitamins and minerals along with Glucosamine, MSM, Chondroitan Sulfate, Hyaluronic Acid and Omega-3 Fatty Acid supplements are routinely recommended by holistic veterinarians to help pet patients recover from broken bones, pulled tendons strained ligaments and muscle injuries. The anti-inflammatory properties in these nutrients provide dogs and cats with significant, safe and effective natural pet arthritis pain relief.
Increasing pet dietary levels of lean protein, omega-3 fish oils, seeds, nuts, herbs, fruits and vegetables in your dog and cat’s diet and limiting sugar intake is as beneficial to pet health as it is to human health. Pet diets containing natural nutritious foods can reduce the overall risk of heart, kidney and liver disease as well as diabetes, arthritis, cancer, cataracts, allergies and a range of other age-related pet diseases, in dogs and cats.