What is responsible for the recent surge of pet cancer rates in dogs and cats? What are the major factors that have changed over the last several years that may be the culprits? What can pet owners do to protect their dogs and cats? Certainly the increase in pollution and pesticides play an important role, although other significant factors responsible for the recent surge in pet cancer rates must be also explored.
According to a recently published study, spaying female dogs prior to 4 years of age, reduces healthy pet life spans by 30%. Therefore female dogs spayed prior to age 4 will have their lives shortened by nearly 1/3! In addition, as opposed to what most veterinarians, including myself were taught in Veterinary Medical School, spaying and neutering dogs and cats at young ages, does not promote pet health. It reduces the quality and length of pet lives and actually INCREASES the incidence of several types of cancer in dogs and cats.
Published data cites multiple types of cancer, including bone cancer, or Osteosarcoma and reproductive related cancers, whose incidence increases in pets, as a result of being spayed or neutered at young ages. Another factor involved in the increased cancer incidence according to this veterinarian’s research is diet and pet nutrition or what you place in the food bowel for your dog and/or cat each day.
Unfortunately, today the food chain for people, not to mention pet food for dogs and cats not only lacks proper safety regulations but it is also subject to for example, GMO foods. GMO’s are Genetically Modified Organisms used by companies like Monsanto to promote the growth of “super seeds” including soy, corn and alfalfa. It is noteworthy that Monsanto owns 30% of the world’s supply of the later three crops. Monsanto was responsible for the chemical called “Agent Orange” which affected hundreds of thousands of people and resulted in birth defects, auto-immune disorders, cancer and death.
Monsanto’s current popular agricultural pesticide product called “Roundup” contains the active ingredient “Glyphosate” which once again is highly toxic. When Roundup is sprayed on the GMO seeds and crops, such as alfalfa and corn, not only are the crops contaminated but the soil, land, pastures and fields are also damaged on a long term basis.
The result is permanent DNA damage and genetic mutations in the individuals ultimately consuming these food products. The resultant genetic damage and its relationship to our increased cancer incidence are topics of great concern for this veterinarian.
In fact, not only do over a million cattle die annually from grazing these genetically modified “toxic” plants, one published study reveals development of various auto-immune disorders including “Lupus-Like” Syndromes in animals consuming raw GMO alfalfa seeds. One has to wonder as to the true health benefits, health conscious individuals blending alfalfa drinks, for example, actually experience on a long term basis.
What future health consequences will the animals being fed fresh alfalfa experience? One must ponder this question with knowledge of the fact that the FDA is currently attempting to ban labels from revealing whether or not a particular food product contains GMO’s. What’s worse is that one of the board members of Monsanto was recently appointed to a prominent position in the EPA! The recent refusal by the Haitian peasants of Monsanto’s “gift” of tons of GMO seeds is a true eye opener as it reveals the fact that even these poor people suffering from environmental devastation would rather starve to death than be subject to the health consequences of GMO’s.
Our water supply is also an important link to cancer. Currently the FDA has guidelines for “allowable levels” of highly toxic, cancer causing chemicals in our drinking water including mercury, cadmium, lead and arsenic to name a few. Providing pets with distilled drinking water is one way to help circumvent this issue. In conclusion, health conscious pet owners attempting to offer their dogs and cats the very best and avoid cancer might consider these 10 Pet Cancer Prevention Guidelines: Feed pets home-made meals and avoid commercial pet food and commercial pet treats. If home cooking is not an option buy organic pet food that has not been recalled by the FDA.
Provide pets with distilled drinking water and avoid bottled, spring and tap water. Keep pet vaccinations to a minimum. Vaccinate puppies and kittens with 2 initial boosters for the major viral diseases, and Rabies, then repeat vaccines, once every 3 years. Check antibody titers to validate vaccine adequacy. Spay and neuter pets after age 4.
Provide all-natural, USA made, comprehensive vitamin, mineral and antioxidant supplements daily to balance home-made pet meals. Maintain pets with a lean body weight and avoid obesity. Pet Exercise is a must! Exercise at least 20 minutes daily with dogs and provide indoor cats with at least four, 10 minute play sessions each day. Visit your veterinarian at least once a year. Senior pets, age seven and older should have veterinary checks twice a year or at 6 month intervals.
Partner up with your vet and work together as a team. Institute “pro-active” preventative pet health care measures for your dogs and cats. Relax, use common sense, have fun and enjoy your cherished 4-legged companions every day.
I lost my cat last year to cancer . She had just had a checkup and was fine according to the vet & 3 months later she was gone. I believe that pollution and radioactive material in the water and air are doing this to our pets and must be stopped NOW ! Before we lose more pets to cancer!
Dear William,
I am very sorry to hear about your loss.
I completely agree, we must all work together to find a way to eliminate cancer for pets and people.
Dr Carol
I was prompted to google ‘increasing dog tumors’ by a pet food commercial that advertised no Gmos. My dad lost his beloved Chocolate Lab a few years ago. He was around 9 or 10 years old, and riddled with tumors, but it was the cancer on his nose that got him. I’ve recently noticed more and more pets dying from cancer, as well. I personally have gone to great efforts to avoid GMO food over the last 5 or 6 years. Initially, it was more of a protest and boycott after watching the documentary Food Inc. I was really peeved by the way Monsanto treated farmers, not to mention the the revolving door of top executives in and out of key government agencies, such as Mike Taylor who was a Monsanto lawyer, then the head of the FDA. I don’t know why I thought something like this was illegal due to the great conflict of interest, but it really made me mad. I was still unaware there could be health implications, until I started following the non-Monsanto paid for research, and wow, the mice that grew tumors so quickly, really got my attention. As well, the labeling issue really tells the whole story!
The good news is that I had a lot of digestive discomfort for about 9 years leading up to this. It wasn’t serious enough to think there was anything really wrong with me, but it made some of my work days really miserable, and made me dread traveling by plane (for some reason, it was worse when I flew). I thought maybe I had become allergic to something in my diet, so I started trying to figure it out, first by eliminating dairy. I thought maybe it was a little better for a while, but it continued. About a year into my boycott of GMO food, I suddenly realized I hadn’t felt that digestive pain in several months. Now, when I splurge on something that contains GMO, I promise, this is not my imagination, my gut starts hurting about an hour later.
That’s all I really wanted to share. I am concerned for all of us now, including our beloved pets! Thanks for this article!