Vitamin Supplements. People and pets are now living longer than ever before. As owners, we naturally want our pets to live the longest, healthiest lives possible. After all Pets aren’t just pets, they are cherished members of our family and for most of us, best friends. Our love is so deep, and our relationship so special, that today almost 75% of Americans wouldn’t hand over their pets even in exchange for $1 million cash.
Longevity is attributed to 70% to lifestyle and 30% to genetics. Up to 90% of diseases in pets are due to the degenerative processes associated with aging. Research confirms the fact that optimal nutritional supplementation can help deter and slow the aging process. Proper vitamin supplementation will promote your pet’s health, help your dog or cat enjoy longer, happier, healthier days, and ultimately enhance quality of life for you both.
Antioxidants: Vitamins A, C and, E, along with the Minerals Selenium and Zinc and the nutrients Alpha Lipoic Acid, Coenzyme Q10 and Lutein.
Your pet’s body naturally contains many antioxidants that work together, in a variety of ways to help protect and insure health. Antioxidants neutralize harmful compounds called free radicals. Free radicals are formed each time your pet takes a breath. Exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays, environmental toxins, pollution, heavy metals, stress, diet and drugs, including antibiotics, also contribute to their production. Billions of free radicals are formed in your pet’s body each day. They cause Oxidative Stress, which damages your pet’s body; in much the same way that oxygen causes iron to rust. Free radicals damage your pet’s cells and can also adversely affect vital tissues, organs and even DNA, their genetic material. These harmful changes accumulate and have been proven to decrease the quality and length of life. Antioxidant supplements can increase your pets healthy life span and slow the aging process by providing the body with additional defenses against free radicals and decreasing the resultant levels of oxidative damage. Oxidative damage has been associated with many of the leading age related degenerative diseases including cancer, heart disease, liver and kidney disorders as well as arthritis and diabetes.
formulas unique blend of time-honored and scientifically proven vitamin and mineral compounds offer your pet a unique, comprehensive range of vital nutrients. Vitamins A, C, and E along with the full spectrum of energy promoting B-Complex Vitamins help keep your pet’s immune system running at peak form. With a healthy immune system, your pet will not only have more energy, but also become more resistant to common illnesses that tend to occur later in life.
Vitamin A
is an essential nutrient that acts as an antioxidant. It is also necessary for good vision, proper bone development and healthy skin. PAAWS contains water soluble Vitamin A Palmitate.
Vitamin C
is needed to regenerate and revitalize Vitamin E. It is also essential to normal collagen formation. Collagen is an integral part of the walls of blood vessels and is part of the matrix of cartilage, tendons, ligaments, bones and skin. PAAWS contains only pure, crystalline Vitamin C which is hypoallergenic.
Vitamin E
is needed to regenerate and revitalize Vitamin C. It is also important to help maintain the integrity of cell membranes, which is essential for them to function normally.
Selenium is an essential mineral, which is incorporated into many vital enzymes in the body. Selenium also works with Vitamin E as an antioxidant to help protect against free radical oxidative damage. Selenium is important for many vital processes in the body and promotes immune system function.
is an essential mineral and is a vital component of several biochemical and enzymatic reactions in your pet’s body. In addition, zinc is needed to maintain the health and integrity of the skin and hair coat and promotes the integrity of the immune system.
is an amino sugar made of molecules called Glucosaminolglycans or “GAGS.” Gags are found in almost every tissue of the body including joints, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, skin, urinary bladder and blood vessels. Glucosamine is needed to maintain normal joint fluid. Joint fluid surrounds the joints providing them with important nutrients. It helps to lubricate and cushion the joints, acting like a shock absorber during movement and insulating the bones from friction. Glucosamine is necessary to maintain the overall health and integrity of cartilage, articular surfaces, bones and joints. It may also enhance your pet’s mobility and flexibility. Glucosamine plays a role in the healthy formation of many bodily structures including ligaments, tendons, joint fluid, skin, bone and nails.
Numerous studies have demonstrated the fact that Glucosamine helps rebuild and restore vital glycoproteins, resulting in improved joint strength, flexibility and mobility. As a result, many owners who have used Glucosamine report their dogs have experienced less pain and fewer episodes of discomfort caused by sore, swollen joints.
A study by members of the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences at Ohio State University tested the effect of Glucosamine on adult dogs. During all test phases conducted at 1, 3 and 5 month intervals, supplemental Glucosamine enhanced the amount and viscosity of synovial fluid, making the joints more cushioned and resistant to impact.
Perna Caniculus (Green Lipped Mussel) is a natural nutrient extracted from the Green Lipped Mussel which lives only in certain parts of the Pacific Ocean near Australia and New Zealand. It is a natural source of Chondroitan 4 and 6 sulfate and works together along with glucosamine to help optimize collagen repair and improve joint structure and function.
Two recent clinical studies showed that Perna Caniculus is rich in several key anti-inflammatory and natural lubricating compounds which soothe joint swelling and improve flexibility.
The first study, presented at the 2002 International Symposium, Perna Caniculus was added into the diet of a group of dogs with obvious joint and mobility problems.
Each dog was scored for mobility, as measured by his or her ability to walk, trot and climb stairs. In addition, their joints were scored for pain, swelling and range of movement. Within 4-8 weeks of consuming the enriched diet, these dogs improved in every area. They progressed in their ability to walk and run, and demonstrated reduced swelling and pain in their joints.
MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) a unique natural, organic form of sulfur that helps reduce arthritic joint pain and acts together with Glucosamine to restore normal joint function and integrity.
Manganese A trace mineral needed for vital enzyme reactions and proper bone development. It plays a key role in supporting the body’s production of vital elements required to rebuild cartilage in damaged joints.
Chromium Picolinate & Vanadyl Sulfate These nutrients improve blood sugar metabolism, blood lipid concentrations and reduce body fat. Together they act to improve the body’s sensitivity to the hormone insulin which reduces the risk of diabetes.
To further enhance energy production and weight control, PAAWS contains four key
nutrients to enhance your pet’s ability to regulate blood sugar, reduce the risk of diabetes and maintain a lean, healthy body weight. The trace minerals chromium and vanadium have been shown to help balance blood sugar levels, which can prevent the energy “ups” and “downs” that often result from consuming meals high in carbohydrates.
In a study conducted by Dr. G.W. Evans and colleagues at Mercy Hospital and Medical Center in San Diego, California, chromium supplementation enhanced the absorption and metabolism of sugars. In addition, the nutrients Inositol and L-Carnitine help promote the metabolism of fats and sugars, which helps your pets body utilize and burn them more efficiently. Japanese researchers found that supplemental Inositol also has lipotropic or fat-burning qualities and helps prevent fatty deposits in animal organs. These nutrients help your pet’s body burn fat effectively so they can maintain a lean, healthy body weight.
Green Tea The anti-oxidants in decaffeinated green tea
may decrease the risk of heart disease and protect the blood vessels that nourish the heart and brain. The Epigallocatechin Gallate in green tea may also be cancer protective.
Cranberry Extract
has been demonstrated to be beneficial in promoting an acid urine PH and helps maintain the health of the urinary bladder. Cranberry is included in the PAAWS Cat formula.
L-Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body. It is the major energy source for the cells that line the small intestine of your pet’s digestive track. It helps to energize the body by aiding normal digestive system function. L-Glutamine is a precursor to Glucosamine, which the body uses to produce Glucosaminolglycans, (GAGS), as well as purine nucleotides, which are constituents of your pet’s genetic material, (DNA& RNA).
B-Complex Vitamins These are critical cofactors necessary for energy production. They are essential to metabolize proteins, carbohydrates and fats. B-Complex Vitamins aid in the release of energy from foods and help to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. All PAAWS products contain the full spectrum of B-Complex Vitamins.
Siberian Ginseng The root of this plant was used for centuries in Asia as a strengthening tonic that rejuvenates and revitalizes the body. It also maintains blood glucose levels, regulates blood pressure, strengthens the cardiovascular system and boosts immunity.
Digestive Enzymes are important to maintain overall health. The body’s production of enzymes naturally decreases with increasing age. Proper supplementation of full spectrum digestive enzymes can enhance your pet’s ability to digest, absorb and utilize nutrients you feed him (or her), which are essential for energy production and ultimately, for life itself. All PAAWS AM and PM formulas contain the full spectrum of enteric coated digestive enzymes including: amylase, lipase, protease, lactase and cellulase which work together to support digestion and utilization of the nutrients in your pet’s diet. The stomach and intestines play a vital role in keeping the immune system functioning properly and absorbing all of the key nutrients from food.
Intestinal bacteria play a key role in proper digestion. These “good bacteria” aid regular digestion, control gas, ease bloating
and encourage healthy fecal processes. PAAWS addresses this “nutritional gap” by providing highly efficient Probiotic digestive enzymes. In a recent report published by Italian researchers, dietary intake of Probiotics increased the amount of important antibodies in the immune system and even increased resistance to such common bacteria as Salmonella.
EPA, DHA: Essential Omega
3 & 6
Fatty Acids
are essential to life. They help maintain the health and normal function of your pet’s cell membranes so they can absorb the nutrients in his or her system. They help maintain the health of the skin and hair coat. Fatty acids are also necessary for the normal structure, function and integrity of your pet’s heart and brain and joints.
Studies have shown that pets who consume Omega-3 rich oils, which are high in fatty acids such as DHA and EPA, tend to display stronger cardiovascular function than those who do not receive these compounds.
Researchers at Ohio State University gave an infusion of omega-3 fatty acids to dogs that
had sustained previous heart attacks. In seven out of eight of the animals, this blend completely prevented the re-occurrence of irregular heart spasms.
Taurine is an amino acid that is essential to the function of the heart and retina of the eyes. Taurine is included in the PAAWS cat formulas.
Colostrum is the first milk your pet received from his mother. It provides newborn puppies with substances called antibodies, which are needed for protection during the first few months of life. Colostrum is important to help maintain the health and normal functioning of the immune system, which is the body’s natural defense against disease and infection.
Coenzyme Q10 is a natural nutrient present in the mitochondria of every cell in the body. It is an essential factor in energy metabolism or what veterinarians call ATP production. It is also an antioxidant that helps to recycle Vitamin E and is essential to support your pet’s heart and cardiovascular system. The need for Coenzyme Q10 is greatest in the heart, gums, immune system and stomach lining.
is the most important antioxidant naturally produced by the pineal gland in your pet’s brain. It acts to protect the brain and controls normal “circadian” or sleep-wake cycles. Melatonin production naturally declines with increasing age. Melatonin is included in the senior PM PAAWS formulas. It helps older pets enjoy a restful sleep and wake up feeling refreshed ready to embark on the next new day.
is a water soluble amino acid and an essential cofactor for several enzymes necessary to transport long chain fatty acids into the mitochondria. It is found in highest concentration in the heart and skeletal muscle. L-Carnitine helps pets efficiently digest and metabolize fats in their diet, thereby helping to reduce excess body fat and promote lean muscle mass.
Lutein is a plant pigment, derived from marigolds, that functions as an antioxidant. It has been shown to play an important role in maintaining vision, the health of the eyes and helps promote the normal function of the Immune System.
PAAWS contains more than the typical multi-vitamin blend. The newest research on free-radical-caused illnesses has found that specific compounds may be even more powerful than vitamins.
Bioflavanoids & Carotenoids are a class of nutrients found only in select species of fruits, vegetables and plants. These nutrients, when extracted from such sources as green tea, citrus fruits, red wine and grape seed, perform like molecular “powerhouses” for the immune system.
In a 1991 study by molecular biologists, scientists found that certain Bioflavanoids and Carotenoids specifically guarded the body’s blood vessels against free radicals caused by UV radiation and they have demonstrated ability to enhance the immune system and help ward off cancer.
Hi Dr. Osborne!! I’ve written a few times before. You suggested some vitamins which I’ve done plus more. I even tried salmon oil and flax oil plus the omega369 vitamins. She still has very dry skin. Is it gonna hurt her or should I not worry about it. I am giving her saumon in the morning but still nothing. Maybe you could suggest something else that you know will work. I am willing to try. thanks diane couture Have a nice day!! Oh my cat is 14lbs and all black, if that helps any. Her name is Princesse.
Hi Diane,
I would try PAAWS vitamns for your cat,an organic oatmeal bath, a natural diet, and distilled water. What food are you feeding your cat? If you have a humidifier in your house that will help to add moisture in the air as it is generally quite dry in the winter. A topical moisturizer may also be helful. I am glad to talk to you and am avaiable toll free at 1-866-372-2765.
Thank you
Dr. Carol