For Cold Winter Weather for Dogs & Cats
Thermometer: Acceptable rectal temperatures for dogs and cats ~100-103.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
Note: The Classic normal rectal temperature is 101.5 for dogs and cats
Pet First Aid – What do you do if your dog gets too cold?
- Temperatures below 20 degrees Fahrenheit are too cold for most dogs. Cold weather can cause frostbite and sub-normal body temperature called hypothermia. The area’s most susceptible to frostbite are the extremities. The nose, toes, ear tips, and tail.
- Frostbitten tissues turn a grayish-white color and require gradual rewarming. Don’t rub or irritate the areas. Give a lukewarm bath and offer warm fluids like chicken broth. You can also wrap your dog in a heat retaining blanket as well. Most importantly take the pet into a warm area, and gradually let them heat back up, take to a veterinarian for immediate help.
Blanket – for warming up chilled or frostbitten dogs &cats
Herbal Stress Remedy: Bach’s 5 Flower Rescue Remedy is a natural mixture of five flowers. Place a few drops in your pet’s mouth, food or water bowl. It is safe and effective to relieve anxiety and stress for your pet. Its small and easily fits into your first aid kit.
Arnica Montana 30c a safe homeopathic remedy for a variety of inflammatory disorders as well as bone, joint and hip problems. Place 3-5 pellets in your dog’s cheek. No food or water 15 minutes before or after
Wound Cleansing Materials: Betadine/alcohol/hydrogen peroxide, tweezers
Pet First Aid – How to Treat Pet Small Wounds
Remove hair with clippers if necessary, before cleaning the wound. Clean the wound with diluted betadine solution, or an anti-fungal/ anti-bacterial scrub. Then wipe clean with some diluted rubbing alcohol. It really is quite like treating a human wound. If the wound is deep, you need to take your dog to the vet for stiches, that is something that should not go un addressed. The wound should always be kept clean and free of dirt and debris, a small wound should heal in a few days and if not, it should be seen by a veterinarian.
What do if your dog ingests something dangerous?
**NOTE: Before inducing vomiting check with your vet to be sure it’s safe depending on just what’s been ingested
You can administer hydrogen peroxide, by mouth perhaps using a turkey baster or syringe if its handy. Give “X” amount every 15 minutes up to 3 times waiting 15 minutes between each dose. The exact dose depends on your dog’s body weight so check with your vet or the local PET ER for exact dosing. Generally inducing vomiting is successful if done within 3 hours of ingestion.
You can always call the Animal Control Poison Center Hot Line: 1- 888- 426- 4435.
A Couple Extra Pet First Aid Tips in Case
What do you do if your dog stops breathing?
- Do not move your dog, if something is stuck in their throat you do not want to move thing around. Call your vet immediately and if they are closed proceed to the nearest emergency room. You can check his mouth and throat to see if anything may be stuck or lodged that you can easily remove.
- You can then proceed to tilt the neck back and provide CPR, at the same 30:2 ratios as humans. Close their mouth and breath into their nose, and you can do chest compressions but use you best judgement depending on your dog’s size.
- Regardless of your choice, proceed to the nearest vet asap.
2. How to Perform the Heimlich for Dogs
- Only use this method if you are sure there is something lodged in your dog’s throat that you cannot see nor get out. The process if very similar to that in humans with a small difference in details.
3. The Heimlich Procedure for Large & Small Dogs
- Kneel behind the dog, have the dog face away from you.
- Put your arms around the dog’s waist.
- Use the knuckles of one hand and place them just below your dog’s last set of ribs on the soft part of the abdomen.
- Place your other hand flat on the dog’s back to keep him steady.
- Give a quick, hard poke with your knuckles.
- Press in and up four to five times gently, in a thrusting motion. Not more than four to five times.
- If the dog is lying down, place one hand on the back for support and use the other hand to squeeze the abdomen upwards and forwards.
- Check the dog’s mouth and remove any objects that may have been dislodged