Skunk Smell. The grass is green, the sun is adding warmth to our days, and the flowers smell great! But what is that other smell? Oh, yes… the skunks are out and about. And, unfortunately, your new pup may think that black and white furry creature is his new best friend! Of course, Mr. Skunk isn’t nearly as enthralled with this new “friend” as your pet. In fact, Mr. Skunk is likely going to display his feeling by spraying anything that comes near him. So, what can you do to get rid of that smell on your pet?
Forget the classic scenes commonly displayed on television shows of bathing in kiddie pools of tomato juice! Not only is this is a costly measure, it’s also very impractical if your pet is generally an inside dog who got carried away and curious while playing outside. You just can’t have tomato juice dripping all over everything. Instead, Dr Carol recommends a product called Skunk Off. Skunk Off works through chemical bonding, absorption, and counteraction. It’s important to use the product as directed in order to completely remove the skunk odor.
If your dog is sprayed by a skunk and you do not have access to Skunk Off, you may not be doomed to living with the horrid smell for too long. Try mixing a 50-50 solution of Listerine mouthwash with water and soak your dog in this solution for ten minutes. Bathe, rinse, and dry your dog afterward. You may need to repeat this soaking and bathing process several times to completely remove the skunk odor.
Remember, although our pets are naturally curious about nature and other animals, wild animals such as skunks and raccoons are known for carrying disease that is easily spread to other animals. Protect your pets and monitor their activity, whether inside or out.