Dr Carol recently received a gracious note from a customer raving about the PAAWS supplements. Our Dear Dr. Carol: We live about as far away from your office as one can and still be in the USA so we thank God everyday not only for you but access to you through the Internet!! We love you so much and my maternal family goes back to swamp time in Florida (Swilleys and Mountains) so I am so jealous of everyone who can just go over to your office and get your advice.
… Your PAAWS supplement has been a “headline” on the gossip line for quite some time. It just works so well. We have a maltese (Cookie, 5 years old) and her friend, a pug (Twinkie, 4 years old). We really lucked out as the maltese tends to have always been “snooty, a little “high-handed” and “stand-offish” to other dogs and down right vicious about “her things”. She DOESN’T share well though she can sometimes play well with them. No problems with humans at all except a few smart choices on her part (more to this story at another time). Your supplement seems to have changed her temperament 180 degrees as she is now friendly to everyone except if someone “corners” her (as I write on you will understand.)
… A few years ago we had a Rottweiler next door (we live two acres away) who went rogue and savaged Cookie, whom he had played with everyday since he and she were puppies. A lot of things fed into this happening. We had to take C to the vet (45 minute drive one-way) a few times for the stapling, stitches, etc. which was horrendous.
Making a long story short, she (and Twinkie) went on your formula (had actually started on your formula prior to the accident) and C mended much better than expected. She is the eppitomy of good health and we are sure that you and your advice and formula saved her life. We don’t know how you thank someone for saving a loved one’s precious life, but we do wholeheartedly and do so everyday as we remember you in our prayers. How very talented and giving you are to share you goodness and knowledge with others who need it so desperately. Cookie does have big scars under her fur and runs kind of sideways with a bit of a limp in her back hind leg from time to time, but otherwise is great. The back leg thing comes and goes and is weakness rather than injury, I think, as she has been x-rayed and thoroughly checked over. Do you think we should wind up the leg in an ace bandage when she gets really limping (usually after a rough play session where she has been running a lot?
I just put in my new order for their pills and wondered if I should have ordered a further supplement for Cookie and her lameness. Please take good care of yourself and I am so glad to have found you and your great product!! It really has saved THE ENTIRE FAMILY’S LIFE when you come to think about it!
Much love and well wishes,
Sarah (and Lou, Cookie, Twinkie)