Pet Cancer. The Role Pet Nutritional Supplements Play in the Treatment and Management Of Pet Cancer Therapy for Dogs and Cats. Statistics run by the Animal Cancer Center at Colorado State University (CSU), document the fact that cancer is the number one cause of death in pets. Over 50% of dogs and cats age 10 and older die from cancer. 90% of Golden Retrievers diagnosed with cancer die, regardless of the therapy given. Recent studies indicate that nearly 80 % of dog and cat owners with pets diagnosed with cancer use some type of complementary and/or alternative medical (CAM) therapy, with pet nutritional supplements ranking first.
The goal in treating pet cancer in all cases is complete and permanent remission. Unfortunately, for the vast majority, complete remission of cancer in dogs and cats is never achieved regardless of which modality, or combination of traditional and/or alternative is instituted. A recently published study showed that traditional chemotherapy results over the last 15 years have increased long term survival rates for less than 3% of pet cancer cases. In this veterinarians experience, pet cancer patients receiving both conventional and alternative therapies as well as those receiving nutritional or dietary therapy alone, seem to experience better survival rates, longer durations of remission and enhanced quality of life versus pets treated with traditional chemotherapy and/or radiation protocols alone.
It is important to understand that different types of pet cancer require different strategies for treatment. In addition, certain therapeutic protocols have been documented to facilitate synergy which has proven to be beneficial for pet cancer patients. Because research and published data relative to pet cancer therapies in Veterinary Medicine, are lacking, practitioners, for the most part, must rely on human and lab animals studies as well as clinical observation, when approaching the small animal cancer patient. Although mainstream veterinarians remain reluctant to embrace natural pet cancer therapies, suffice it to say that the evidence in support of pet nutritional therapies is currently strong enough to recommend their use in most pet cancer cases in this author’s opinion.
Today, pet nutritional therapy’s most promising role is as a mechanism to help prevent pet cancer in dogs and cats. Interventional studies in humans and animals to determine the treatment value of these “adjuvant therapies” are currently ongoing; funded by grants from the National Cancer Institute.
Yesterday our beloved 10 1/2 year old female Golden Retriever was diagnosed with an incurable tumor on her right lung. Our vet, Christian Sharp, says she doesn’t have much time left at all. My question: Do you know of any vets in Los Angeles area who dispense Nitrosylcobalamin (NO-Cbl)? Thanks so much. Janice
Dear Janice,
I am very sorry to hear about your dogs cancer diagnosis and can help you.
The answer given to you by your vet is a traditional veterinary medical response to pet cancer but please do NOT panic!
With respect to your specific inquiry, Joseph A. Bauer, Ph.D is leading canine clinical trials for the drug NitrosylCobalamin. NitrosylCobalamin is an experimental Vitamin B12-based chemotherapy agent being offered in free clinical trials, for dogs with certain forms of lung cancer.
As a practicing integrative veterinarian and pet health researcher for over 20 years, I work with many dogs with various forms of pet cancer, quite successfully.
Recent published research compared cancer survival rates for cancer victims over15 years.
The report revealed the fact that less then 3% of cancer patients on chemotherapy experience any increase in cancer survival rates.
In other words after the time, expense and adverse side effects, 97% of cancer patients receive NO benefits from chemotherapy at all!
For our Canine Cancer Cases, we have had extremely good results using natural pet cancer therapies.
We recommend a home-made anti-cancer pet diet, and avoid carbohydrates as cancer cells thrive on them.
We also add a natural vitamin supplement patented for dogs called PAAWS available at
For our out of town pet cancer cases, I personally review all labs and x-rays, discuss treatment options with pet owners by phone and then offer each canine cancer patient a holistic pet cancer therapy protocol.
Pet Cancer cases in our practice enjoy an average survival time of 2 very high quality years of life post diagnosis.
If you’d like to discuss this further, please feel free to call my office toll free at 1-866-372-2765.
Best Wishes,
Dr. Carol Osborne, DVM
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