Premium Pet Food. Pet Nutrition is a huge problem! How many pet owners have considered preparing wholesome home-made meals for their dogs and cats but have been scared by the latest media hype warnings about people food that may be toxic to pets? Then there is the issue about balanced pet diets. Well, what about the quality and safety of the ingredients packaged as pet food and sold at skyrocketing prices?
Despite huge pet food advertising campaigns, the major pet food companies including Nestlé, Purina, Mars and Procter & Gamble and Iams, sell BILLIONS of dollars of pet food, yet in 99.9% of cases that food costs less them than the price of the bag and/or can in which it is packaged.
Then there is the issue about pet food safety and the current pet food regulations actually being enforced to ensure your pets health and wellness, when pet owners pay top dollar for a bag and/or a can of pet food. After reading the current list of recalled, contaminated pet foods being issued daily by the FDA, this veterinarian has to think twice before recommending anything other than natural home-made diets.
Why? Pet owners not only save big bucks, but also avoid expensive emergency room visits and don’t have to worry about Salmonella and other potentially deadly bacteria contaminating their pets and other family members. In addition, “balancing” your pet’s home-made meal is as easy as ABC!
Pet owners need to understand that no matter how much they spend for a bag or a can of pet food, and regardless of how tasty the packaging looks, the ingredients in pet food in ALL cases are the scraps (hooves, ears, tails, beaks, tongues, etc.) left over on the slaughter house floor after the edible parts have been removed for human food. In other words pet food is made from slaughter house floor scraps from animal parts considered “inedible for human consumption.”
These slaughter house “scraps” pet owners pay top dollar for regardless of whether the label says, organic, premium or natural are still the parts of the animal left over after all premium parts that people eat have been removed. To quote “All pet foods are made from the byproducts of human food production,” No matter what the package says, your pet is not getting whole chicken breasts, but what remains after the chicken breasts have been removed for human food.” No federal agency requires proof of pet food health claims, and no pet food company is willing to invest in decades of research to determine whether its products keep animals healthier and/or extends their lives. Pet food companies boost about their research, but it is rarely done in a scientific manner, with comparable control and/or experimental groups.