Senior Dog Dementia. Our 14 year old dalmatian, Emily used to sleep most of the day and she spent a lot of time just sitting there staring at the wall. We tried some meds from the vet but they didn’t seem to change her behavior at all. I finally found the Paaws vitamins and decided to give them a try. It’s been 3 weeks and Emily’s energy level has skyrocketed! She RUNS everywhere she goes. She even comes with us when we go out to feed our horses in the afternoons, like she did when she was younger! I’m so pleased I am starting my other older dog on these Paaws vitamins too; shes pretty weak. I am hoping these pills will help her.
Marybeth J.
Hallsville, Texas
It’s good to hear that the pills helped her out. Must be pretty hard seeing him like that. This is something I don’t ever want to be at this stage with my dog.