Holistic Therapy. Over the weekend, Mindi, who owns an 11 year old, 78 pound Labrador retriever called me crying. She was out of town and her dog whose name is Happi, suddenly collapsed. She rushed him to the nearest veterinary facility. They diagnosed a condition called Hemangiosarcoma, which is a terminal cancer of the spleen and recommended euthanasia.
Dear Dr. Carol,
This is a picture of Happi and me at the beach. Thank you so much for helping my best friend, Happi dog. He is doing great! Happi loves the “anti-cancer” meal as well as the Paaws am/pm vitamins. I took him for more blood work and a urinalysis, and will be picking up copies this afternoon, which I will e-mail to you. He is still full of life, despite his diagnosis of the hemangiosarcoma cancer of his spleen. I am very pleased and appreciate all the time, help and wonderful advice you gave me.
Have a wonderful day and a million thanks!!!!
Mindi V. & Happi Dog
Rochester, New York
This is the Anti-Cancer Diet we are using for Happi. Anti-cancer Diet for a 60-90 pound Dog
* 4 oz Pork Back Fat (boiled, baked or fried in olive oil)
* 4 oz Tofu (firm soybean curd)
* 2 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
* 2 Whole Carrots (boiled and then cut up)
* 1 cup Spinach (cooked)
* 4 Tbs Green Bell Pepper (chopped and steamed)
* 4 Broccoli Spears (boiled and then cut up)
* 2 Sardines (in olive oil, drained)
* 2 cloves raw Garlic (crushed and added before serving)
* 1 tsp dry, ground Ginger (added before serving)
* ½ tsp dry, yellow Mustard (added before serving)
Holistic veterinarian, author and Anti-Aging Pet Health Diplomat, Dr. Carol Osborne, DVM, is available for personal pet health questions and pet health care consultations for dogs and cats. Contact Dr. Carol by e-mail at drcarol@chagrinfallspetclinic.com, or call Dr. Carol’s office toll free at 1-866-372-2765.
I am the “smart blogger” who wrote this post.
Thank you
Dr Carol