I just received this nice note and wanted to share it with my cat loving friends: Hello Dr. Carol, I just recently e-mailed you about my Scottish Fold cat who will be turning 15 in September. You suggested the Paaws formula which I received. He also has Arthritis and I do give him Fish oils…. Glucosamine formula…..Instinct food…any other suggestions….
I think my cat Cartier has just been on your Paaws formula for 4 days as of today….and to my surprise he managed to jump up onto my very high bed this morning! Thank you…….I need to keep this cat living as long as possible in good health. Poor thing had to have his penis removed at the age of 3 or 4.
I spent $30.000.00 in 3 years when I had no money. He lost one kidney in that surgery.
He is still playful. I never thought he would live so long after being on death bed, but with lots of care and good supplements like Paaws, he is still with me. Thank you for all your help!
Deborah D.
Beverly Hills, California