Feline Blood Loss/Anemia results from a low number of red blood cells in the circulation. Red blood cells normally carry oxygen and vital nutrients to all tissues of the body. Anemia can occur because not enough red blood cells are produced or because excess numbers are lost, as with hemorrhage or are destroyed, by a process called Hemolysis because of a disease.
* Pale whitish color to gums (as opposed to normal pink color) and membranes lining eyelids, the conjunctiva.
* Weakness, lethargy
* Parasites that suck blood including fleas, hookworms and lice
* Viral Infections like Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Immune Deficiency Virus
* Chronic Kidney Disease – The kidneys make a hormone called Erythropoietin, which stimulates the bone marrow to produce red blood cells. Failing kidneys cannot make normal levels of this hormone, therefore, anemia often results.
* Trauma, hemorrhage, onions, toxins, zinc and copper can cause blood loss resulting in anemia.
* Red blood cell parasites and Immune diseases.
FACT: Hemolysis is defined as the destruction of red blood cells which normTlly occurs in the spleen and is how old red blood cells are normally removed, but certain conditions can cause excessive destruction.
NOTE: Feline Infectious Anemia is a disease caused by Hemobartonella, which ia a microscopic parasite living on red blood cells. The disease is spread by fleas and cat bites.
* Blood, urine tests and X-rays (Zinc is visible on x-rays and should be removed at once)
* Treatment to eliminate the underlying cause – fleas, worms, lice.
* Fluids needed in Kidney Disease to eliminate toxins –can make anemia worse
* Blood transfusions replace blood in severe cases
* Epogen is an injectable form of the Erythropoietin hormone, which is made by the kidneys’ to stimulate red blood cell production.
* Improve diet
* B Vitamins – nutritional yeast is a source
* Iron – found in green vegetables
* High quality protein – 1 Teaspoon of raw liver once a week
* China Officinalis 6c -1 pellet daily for 30 days. No food 10 minutes before or 10 minutes after.
Use in weak cats with blood loss
Can continue several months if necessary and is helping.