PAAWS Pet Vitamins Improve Dogs’s Arthritis Naturally
Hi Dr. Carol, Thanks for taking the time to talk to me Wednesday. I want to thank you again for your PAAWS vitamin supplements.
Hi Dr. Carol, Thanks for taking the time to talk to me Wednesday. I want to thank you again for your PAAWS vitamin supplements.
The following dog and cat pet foods have been recalled by the Mars Pet Care in the United States:
Dr. Carol, We have two black labs Coal & Belle; they are 1 yr and a couple weeks. When they were younger they played with rocks and chewed on them.
Chagrin Falls, Ohio (September 16, 2008)—Mars Petcare US announced another recall of its pet food products manufactured at its Everson, Pennsylvania facility.
The world’s first cloned dog named Snuppy has successfully sired his first litter of nine puppies, according to researchers at Seoul National University in South Korea.
Hi Dr. Carol, I used PAAWS for my last dog, a German Shepherd, from the age of 7 when I saw the ad on TV. Kirby was then ‘acting’ old and could no longer jump on the bed, just not able to do things that he used to.
Dogs diagnosed with a very common type of cancer called Lymphoma now have new hope due to the efforts of veterinarians at North Carolina State School of Veterinary Medicine.
A dog, named Chai, ended up having his tongue amputated after chewing on a “pimple ball” made by Four Paws. Specifically the item is the pimple ball with bell.
Rabies still considered disease of epidemic proportions across most of the world! Chagrin Falls, Ohio; September 2, 2008- It’s a disease that can frighten people by simply mentioning the name.
Dr. Carol, As I promised when we spoke last week. The attached are pictures of Max who will be 12 in October. I am not sure how long he has been on PAWS vitamins but my guess would be at least 4 years.
Dr. Carol, You’re a sweetheart of a woman! Best to you Dr. Carol, you have a huge heart! Brandy, (and I) strike a pose for you … LOL! .. poor brandy, just know, I don’t dress her but for very special occasions,
Hi Dr. Carol, I sent you 2 pictures. One is our precious Tiffany that we lost last year, the other is Wilson and Patch. We got Wilson after Tiffany died. Patch was very depressed.
Dr. Carol, This is a picture of my 10yr 9mo old Newfoundland / retriever mix, who will be 11 years old this November. His name is Garth and the best dog we ever had. Garth tore his knee up back in 2004
BEWARE OF DR. FRANK’S JOINT PAIN RELIEF’ FOR DOGS & CATS. False Claims for Homeopathic Pet Remedy. August 2008: The National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Business.
Leg Wounds. Sharing this note about a Non-Healing Leg Wound in a Dog. My Golden Retriever was hit by a car on June 20; had to have one back leg amputated.
A visit to the swimming pool, the local creek, or the ocean helps us stay cool during the “dog days” of summer. But what about our canine companions – how do we keep them cool?
Allergic dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that occurs after exposure to an allergen. An allergen is something to which the body is allergic. The number-one sign of allergies in pets is itching.
Purebred Dog Rescue. Adopting a pet from a local shelter is a great way to help save an animal from an uncertain future. But what if you want a purebred?
Over half of America’s dogs are clinically obese, which by definition means they are 15 percent or more above their ideal weight. Being 10 percent overweight decreases a dog’s life span
New Birth Control Options for Dog & Cat Owners. Technology now offers dog owners a viable new option to neutering their male canine companions in case they may want to breed their dog later in life.
Tick Prevention. Most owners, the return of spring is a joyous occasion. The opportunity to spend quality time with your pet outdoors can be an exhilarating experience.
Just wanted to pass along we fed our 3 chihuahuas Waggin Train Jerky Tenders and one of the dogs has become seriously ill.
Multivitamins for Your Dog. There are many multivitamin supplements now available that will satisfy the basic daily requirements a pet needs to maintain a good quality of life.
Snake Bites. Each year hundreds of pets come into contact with venomous animals. As we continue to venture forth into the wilderness, veterinarian, Dr Carol Osborne offers tips
Hi Dr Carol, I adopted a tortie about 6 months ago from the local humane society. She is about 3 yrs old, fixed, and up to date with her shots. She is declawed in the front, and is always indoors.
Campaign against canine cancers expects eradication of disease within 10 to 20 years! Chagrin Falls, Ohio- june5, 2008- More than half of the dog-owning households in North America will experience the pain
Natural Herbal Remedies for Fleas & Mosquitoes in Dogs & Cats
Dear Dr. Carol, Two years ago at 11 years old, Trevor, my miniature apricot poodle, was showing signs of aging. He was no longer able to jump on and off the bed and was reluctant to climb stairs.
There’s much more to canine nutrition than just kibble and canned food. Our experts explore it all to give you a well-rounded perspective. BY MARCIA KING
Hi Dr. Carol, Meeka is doing quite well with her Pancreatic problem. Your PAAWS vitamins, enzymes and probiotics have helped a lot. Do I adjust the dose? Or maintain what she is on?