Dr. Carol Osborne Testimonials

Cat Emergencies

Cat Emergencies

In spite of our best efforts, emergencies happen. You should know your vet’s procedures for emergency situations, especially the ones that occur at odd hours. Being able to recognize a true emergency allows you to react more appropriately in a stressful situation and may help you save a life.

Dangers In Home

Dangers in the Home for Cats

Dangers in the Home for Cats

Dangers IN THE HOME include plants, drugs, chemicals, gardening and lawn care supplies, car care products, and insecticide baits to name a few. Actual reports of cats getting seriously ill from eating plants are relatively rare compared to reports of poisoning from household products or drugs, but it is best to eliminate toxic plants from your cat’s environment and provide safe alternatives.

Feline Acne

Feline Acne

Feline acne is a skin condition affecting the cats chin. Overactive oil (sebaceous) glands in the chin produce excess oil or sebum which predisposes cats to developing Feline Acne and Stud Tail. The oil, which is also called Sebum, plugs up the hair follicles in the chin which causes black heads called Comedomes to form.…

Cat Vomiting

Lice on Cats

Lice are tiny, six-legged parasites that feed on blood and can cause anemia. Weak, run-down kittens are most susceptible. Tiny white spots, called nits are visible. These are the egg casings. Lice spend their entire life on the animal and are not transferable to other pets or people. They do not infest your home and…