Dogs with Dry Skin; What you Can Do
Dry skin is common, especially when the weather gets cold and we have to turn the heat up indoors. Dry skin is flaky and often has white scales that resemble dandruff.
Dry skin is common, especially when the weather gets cold and we have to turn the heat up indoors. Dry skin is flaky and often has white scales that resemble dandruff.
Canine Mange
There are two types of mange that affect dogs. Demodectic mange, also called “Demodex”, is caused by microscopic mites that normally live on the skin and in hair follicles.
Dog Grooming
Regular grooming helps keep your dog’s skin and haircoat healthy. It helps eliminate mats and tangles and gives you a chance to check for ticks and fleas as well as lumps and bumps.
Dog’s Skin and Hair
Skin diseases are very common in dogs. They can occur because of bacterial, viral, fungal, allergic, parasitic, and hormonal disorders. In older dogs skin cancer and cysts are not uncommon.
Canine Heartworm Disease
Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal disease caused by worms called Dirofilaria immitus. These worms are “spaghetti-like”, grow up to 12″ long, and reside in the heart.
Canine Intestinal Worms
The most common intestinal parasites affecting dogs are roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms. In addition, roundworms and hookworms can be transmitted to humans.
Dog Obesity
Over half of our dogs are clinically obese, which by definition means they are 15 percent or more above their ideal weight. Being 10 percent overweight decreases a dog’s life span by one third and predisposes them to heart, liver, and kidney disease as well as arthritis.
Dog Scooting
Anal sacs are structures located on either side of the anus. They contain a semi-liquid, vile-smelling material that is normally expelled passively when dogs defecate. Sometimes anal sacs don’t empty properly because of an infection, impaction, an abscess or even a tumor.
Food Allergies Common in Dogs
A food allergy by definition is an abnormal reaction to an ingested food or a food additive, which is often a protein source. Actual food allergies are responsible for ten to twenty percent of allergic (adverse) skin diseases in dogs and cats and adverse skin reactions are less common in dogs than in cats.
Dogs Get Bloated Too-but it can be dangerous for them
Bloat is a true life-and-death emergency in dogs. The stomach fills up with air and/or fluid (simple bloat) and may or may not rotate (complex bloat).
What You Can do When Your Dog Has Constipation
Constipation occurs occasionally in dogs. Constipation is defined as infrequent or absent defecation with retention of feces in the rectum and colon. Older and less active dogs are most prone. Signs that your dog may have constipation include straining to defecate, with or without dry feces.
Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of Diarrhea in Dogs
Diarrhea consists of the abnormally frequent passage of loose or soft stools, and is one of the most common signs of disease in dogs. It occurs when dissolved substances within the intestine cause excess water to move into the intestine.
Causes of a Dog’s Vomiting and What You Can Do
Vomiting that occurs occasionally in an otherwise healthy dog is generally not a cause for concern. By far the most common cause of vomiting in dogs is eating indiscriminately.
A Balanced Diet for Your Dog
Proper nutrition is vital to good health. Commercially available premium foods are convenient and their composition is strictly controlled and regulated by the American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) and the United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA).
The Dog’s Digestive System
Disturbances of the stomach and intestines in dogs have a variety of causes, which include eating bad food and/or foreign objects, bacterial and viral infections, worms, and food allergies. Kidney, liver and pancreatic disease as well as diabetes are also common causes.
Kennel Cough
Canine kennel cough is a highly contagious disease affecting the respiratory system of dogs. It is usually caused by a combination of bacteria and viruses. The disease is spread by direct contact with other infected dogs.
Puppy Shots or Vaccines
Vaccines help protect your puppy against many of the most serious potentially fatal diseases. Newborn puppies receive natural protection from antibodies in their mother’s first milk (called colostrum) while nursing.
Canine Distemper
A highly infectious viral disease of dogs, canine distemper attacks the lungs, brain and spinal cord. It occurs worldwide wherever there are dogs, with a death rate of 80 percent in puppies and 50 percent in adults.
The inside lining of the ear is normally smooth with a small amount of wax buildup. Many problems can cause the ears to become irritated, inflamed, or infected. Any of these conditions left untreated can lead to more complicated problems, including inner ear infections, hearing loss, and hematomas.
Cancer in Dogs
Dogs suffer form a variety of cancers on their face and head. The mouth is a common site for cancer. Breeds with dark pigment, like black cocker spaniels and chows, are prone to melanomas in the mouth.
Vaccines for your Dog
Parvovirus was first diagnosed after it reached epidemic proportions in the United States, killing millions of dogs in the early 1980’s. Since then the virus has become manageable through vaccination but remains as the number one fatal infectious disease of dogs.
Disease of the oral cavity is the most common health problem treated in small animal clinics today. At least 85 percent of all dogs and cats over two years old have gum disease. Left untreated, this is now known to be a leading cause of heart disease in pets and in people. Bacterial from the…
Cherry Eye is defined as a prolapse of the gland of the third eyelid. The medical term is glandular hypertrophy. The term Dry Eye describes changes that occur in the eye resulting from a lack of tears. Vets call this “KCS”, which stands for keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Both conditions are fairly common in dogs. CHERRY EYE…
Canine Cataracts
Cataracts are the second leading eye disease in dogs. A normal lens, which sits behind the pupil, is transparent and focuses incoming light on to the retina. The retina sends the image to the brain where vision is perceived.
Corneal Ulcers in Dogs
A corneal ulcer is an abrasion to the top layer of tissue lining the cornea which is the clear part of the eye. Corneal Ulcers are the third most common eye problem in dogs. Many ulcers are caused by trauma from foreign objects like foxtails and seed hulls from grass and weeds that can lodge under the eyelid.
Conjunctivitis in Dogs
Yours dog’s eyes should normally be clear, bright, and free of discharge. Red eyes in a dog can signal problems requiring treatment from eye drops to emergency surgery.
The Dog’s Head
Looking carefully at a dog’s head can give you a good general indication of his or her overall health status and temperament. First of all, dogs eyes should be clear and bright.