PAAWS by Dr. Carol and dog Francis
Francis used to cry from her arthritis but she isn’t hurting any more thanks to veterinarian Dr. Carol Osborne and PAAWS.
Francis used to cry from her arthritis but she isn’t hurting any more thanks to veterinarian Dr. Carol Osborne and PAAWS.
Twenty-Five percent of cats are clinically obese, which is defined as an excess accumulation of body fat. This is important because obesity can reduce your cats life span. Obesity also predisposes to Heart Disease, Skin Disorders, Arthritis, and Fatty Liver Disease, Cancer, Lower Urinary Tract Disease, and Diabetes. Obesity can either cause or result from Diabetes. In either case…
Inflammatory Bowel Disease is a chronic condition that affects the function of stomach and or intestines. Abnormally large numbers of blood cells invade the bowel which interferes with digestion and absorption of food. The intestines are unable to absorb nutrients from the diet; therefore the food eaten is not able to be utilized by the…
Cats are naturally finicky when it comes to food and missing an occasional meal is not unusual, but cats that stop eating completely even for a few days can develop a liver problem called Fatty Liver or Hepatic Lipidosis which is very serious. This liver disease perpetuates both the appetite loss and the cat’s illness.…
Proper nutrition is vital to good health and maximizes the quality and length of life. Commercially available premium foods are convenient and their composition is regulated by the American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) and the United States Food and Drug Administration (USDA). The label should clearly state that the food is nutritionally complete…
Grooming is part of a cat’s natural behavior. Small amounts of hair are normally swallowed, some of which pass through the digestive tract and are eliminated in the feces. The rest mixes with mucus to form a hairball. Hairballs in the throat area are brought up by regurgitation; those in the stomach are vomited up.…
Vomiting that occurs occasionally in an otherwise healthy cat is generally not a cause for concern. Vomiting that persists for over 72 hours with or without signs of illness such as appetite loss, depression, lethargy, or diarrhea can indicate a more severe problem and should be addressed. The fluids lost during vomiting result in dehydration…
HOMEMADE DIET FOOD OPTIONS A cats diet is generally 60 to 80 percent protein, 20 percent vegetables and 20 percent grain. Homemade foods to fulfill these dietary requirements may include: Protein Sources: * Raw ground chuck * Raw organic chicken * Cooked chicken, turkey, lamb or beef Vegetable Sources * Use finely grated raw zucchini…
Cats are naturally fastidious and constantly groom themselves. Vomiting hairballs from time to time is pretty standard, as are occasional bouts of indigestion. As the years go by some owners notice that they are spending a little more time cleaning up hairballs or vomit piles. The litter box may contain more or less stool than…
The inside lining of the ear is normally smooth with a small amount of wax buildup. Many problems can cause the ears to be irritated, inflamed and/or infected. Any of these causes left untreated can lead to more complicated problems, including middle and inner ear damage and hearing loss. Most cats let you know that…
EYE TUMORS Seventy-five percent of eye tumors in the cat are malignant, aggressive forms of cancer (in dogs the ratio is reversed, 75 percent of tumors are benign and do not spread or become life-threatening). An Iris melanoma is the most common type of tumor affecting cat’s eyes. Older cats may develop a visible brown…