Chagrin Falls Veterinary Center & Pet Clinic

What to Do for Stinky Ears!

stinky ears

stinky ears

Stinky Ears? It’s not uncommon to notice an odor coming from your pet’s ears; however, this is a sure sign that something is amiss! Odors may be a result of ear mites, bacterial infection, or just dirt and debris. Even if the underlying cause of smelly ears is found to be ear mites or an infection, the animal’s ears will still require cleaning on a regular basis to ensure no further problems develop and to help him remain odor free.

How to Clean the Ears:

Use a clean cotton ball to gently clean inside the ear. Never use a cotton swab of any sort. Gentle swipes of the ear work best.

What to Clean With:

If your pet has been diagnosed with a bacterial ear infection, your veterinarian will likely recommend a cleaning solution for his ears that also helps to combat the infection.

To make a homemade solution that will not only clean the ears but also fight ear mites, mix 1 tsp (5ml) of calendula oil with 1/2 tsp of sea salt and 8 oz water. Use this solution as needed.

Mixing equal parts of distilled water and vinegar is another homemade remedy that can be used to clean dog’s ears.

At we also offer a pre-made ear cleaning solution for dogs and cats that works to combat ear mites, bacterial infections, and yeast. Epi-Optic Pet Ear Cleaner is ideal for cleaning away debris and helping to regenerate damaged ear tissue.

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