My dog Razzle is beginning his second month of your Dr. Carol’s PAAWS-Vitalife. He is a 12 year old Rottweiler mix and was having trouble going up and down stairs and was not playing as much as he always did. After about 3 weeks on PAAWS-Vitalife, he began to show more interest in playing with his toys. In fact, he now often goes into what I call the “play stance” with the front of his body down low and is hind quarters in the air and his tail wagging. You see this in puppies all the time.
He is still a little slow on the stairs but overall he is much more energetic. Now he runs and plays in the back yard, instead of just slowly walking around looking at the trees.
I am so happy I think your PAAWS-VitaLife will help my dog to enjoy a better quality of life in his senior years.