Just wanting to share the great news, and say how thank full we are to Dr. CAROL OSBORNE and her wonderful wisdom and advice and care of my little 4 legged Jack Russell dog, Chopper. Because of her care and wisdom and advice and the correct course of treatment and medicine and vitamins and minerals and probiotics, it is with great thanks, he is doing well after almost dying from a horrible bacteria that caused multiple health issues including spinal meningitis. Thank you again for helping Chopper who was at death’s door ready to cross the rainbow bridge, stay here with his family a lot longer, he is healthy and has regained his vitality. You can see from his pictures of the time he was sick and frail and had lost most of his body weight, to the recent picture in his grandma’s back yard he has regained weight and health. Thank you again, his owner, and mom, Selina Z
- Selina Z and Chopper
- Selina Z and Chopper
- Selina Z and Chopper
- Selina Z and Chopper
- Selina Z and Chopper
- Selina Z and Chopper