
Our dog Earl is not just a family pet, he is a family member. Earl is ten years old. Over the past few years has suffered from terrible allergies and has become increasingly sluggish. After talking to you, we realized the importance of adding high quality vitamins to his diet. However, because of his many allergies, I was hesitant about placing an order until I knew exactly what was in the vitalife formula. I called and left you a voice-mail describing my questions and concerns. I never expected that it would actually be you who would call me back. We had a great conversation and your knowledge of, and concern for, animals really impressed me! That combined with our assurance that the formula contained no poultry or rice convinced me to place an order. We noticed a difference in Earl after the first week. He has been taking PAAWS-VitaLife for one month now, and we’ve noticed great improvement. He exhibits more energy on his morning walks and at playtime. This is the first summer in about four years that he has not had to go for monthly allergy shots.

Earl is a very satisfied customer… so are we!

Thank you