Chagrin Falls Veterinary Center & Pet Clinic

Dog Cancer : Lymphoma : Homeopathic Dog Therapy

Dog Cancer : Lymphoma

Dog Cancer : Lymphoma

Dog Cancer : Lymphoma : While many pet owners who receive a diagnosis of lymphoma or lymphosarcoma for their dog will opt for chemotherapy, other pet owners seek out a more natural approach to treating diseases such as cancer. Complementary treatments are often used in conjunction with traditional medical treatments, while homeopathic treatments are typically used in place of allopathic or traditional care.

While many veterinarians have some knowledge of homeopathic remedies, there are other veterinarians who are specifically trained in homeopathic medicine for pets. For pet owners seeking homeopathic treatment for their dog with lymphosarcoma, I cannot stress enough the importance of locating and working with a trained homeopathic veterinarian. Below you will find a brief list of homeopathic agents sometimes used in the treatment of cancer, but this prescription is best left to the professionals.

When treating with homeopathic agents, the animal should receive no food within ten minutes before or after medicating.

One pellet of Silicea 6c may be given every other day for four weeks.
For tumors that bleed persistently, one Phosphorus 6c pellet may be given every other day for four weeks.


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